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I walk into the large gymnasium and see a couple of girls from previous classes and some other boys I don't see my brother though I do see two of his friends

I walk by the girls side I don't know why they split us up like this it doesn't do anything

"Ok class today we are going to do a pacer test but around the school whoever goes around the fastest we'll I guess wins"

Great so like the mile run I rolled my eyes I'm pretty good at running so I think I'm fine but these damm shorts are going to be riding up my ass

We all went to the front which was the start and the finish line "ready 3,2,1 go!" Everyone stared to run

I feel the shorts literally going into my asshole I try and pull them down but I have to stop to fix them so I try my best to ignore it and keep running

Our school is huge since it's 6th 7th and 8th in one side of the building and 9th 10th 11th and 12th in the other side

I was a little over half way around the school when I felt a sting on my ass I stoped running to seem javon Devins friend looking at me with a smirk I was about to cry when this dumb ass gym teacher yelled at me to hurry up

I was furious so I fixed my shorts and ran up to catch up Javon I ran super fucking fast and "accidentally" tripped and fell into him he fell with all the Force I used

I continue running to the finish line with tears in my eyes after I was done I was going to find Devin

Everybody was now done running and class was over so I went a changed out these damm clothes I had to wait for the bell to ring to find Devin

*Ring ring*
The bell finally rung I literally ran out that gym and the fucking teacher yelled to me to slow down so I flipped her off I don't think she saw though

I hurried as I put my stuff into my locker and I ran to find my brother I was actually on the he bridge of crying when I fucking hit a damm wall again for like the third fucking time

Please don't tell me it's finn please don't tell me it's finn I repeated as I looked up oh my it's Finn kill my self now

"Sweetheart what did I tell you about running to me like that this- wait are you crying are you ok" he grabbed my chin so that he could see me

"Yes I'm crying and I need to find my brother have you seen him" i sniffle a little "uh yeah he's with Javon" I literally actually bursted into tears I can't tell my brother now

Finn held on to me while I cried wait I'm crying into Finn kellers chest but it was lowkey soothing he was rubbing my back but I pushed him away "are you okay do you still need to talk to your brother I can go get him"

Why is he being so nice this was Finn we are talking about "NO! I-I mean I don't want to talk to him anymore I just need Atlas to pick me up" I could see Finn tense up at his name

"Uh yeah ok you call him I'll wait with you" I called atlas and asked if he was going to pick us up he said his school doesn't get out for another hour so to just walk what the fuck just walk I was now really fucking angry

"He said for me to fucking walk what the hell he's always about you can't walk it's to dangerous but now he wants me to fucking walk" I got up and punched the locker and it made a dent

"Holy shit you have a nice ass punch" hm I guess I do

"Can you help me find Devin" I asked finn he nods and walking away so I follow him we walk into another hallway and I seen him at the end of the hall I run up to him

"Devin Atlas said for us to fucking walk isn't he always talking about how it's dangerous like the fuck?" I stare at him waiting for him to talk but he was till talking to fucking Javon

"Hey are you listening to me or are you talking to your lil boyfriend over here" "Echo get the fuck away from me your annoying and don't even think that Javon didn't tell me that you shoved him today in gym"

What the fuck me he left the important part out

"Devin what the hell he didn't even the tell the whole story but since you want to have a fucking attitude with me let me fucking tell you he fucking slapped my ass because he's a fucking creep then he smirked who the fuck does that so I shoved him Jesus fucking Christ" I say all out of breath

I totally forgot Finn was next to me "you did what Javon" Finn grabbed him by his shirt collar
"Yeah what the hell man that's my sister and I don't know why I believed" my brother said

I was getting a little scared by the yelling even though I just yelled at Devin I actually hate when other people yell it reminds me of dad I backed up a little I guess they didn't notice when Finn just punched the guy I gasped

And then Devin punched him in the stomach that's gotta hurt but I was getting a little scared now I was backing up more and more I really wanted to cry and so I did I could barely see because my eyes were filled with tears and finally Devin noticed

"Oh Fay Fay I'm so sorry I did that in front of you I would never hurt you ok" he hugged me and was playing with my hair "let's call Atlas and ask if he can pick us up"

Finn finally walked over and he seen me "woah Echo you ok?" "Yeah she's fine I need to call my brother can you get my phone in my pocket" Finn grabbed my phone then his face lit up "wait if you guys need a ride I can drive you guys I have a car"

Wait this shit Head has a car and didn't tell me when I was ranting to him "you shit head when I was yelling about having to walk why didn't you mention it"
"Hmm I guess I forgot" he shrugged his shoulders it was... cute when he did that

"That would be nice.. uh thanks Finn" I could tell de de was skeptical because Finn well he's the bad boy he's not nice

"Come on lets go"

HEHE sorry for the strong language there a lot of that make sure to vote!

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