4- Maybe I was meant to be somebody

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Song of the chapter:
Through the dark- One Direction

"Now we have two places to go, we can get food in between if you'd like?" Parker asks after we've been driving for a while.

"Okay" I say from looking out the window.

"Sorry Juliette but I was asking the boss back there" he smirks and Bella looks over.

"Are we going fun places?" she asks him and his face turns mock serious.

"Of course Bella, you think I'd dare take you anywhere not fun?" there's a brief flicker in my heart as the two go back and forth, she definitely likes him.

"I hate to be that annoying kid-" I start

"No you don't" he interrupts.

"Ha ha, very funny. But are we nearly there yet?" I sigh looking around us.

We've driven more into the busier area and my eyes scan the towering buildings.

"As a matter of fact we are miss impatient" he turns towards the side of the road and we park quickly.

"So what are we doing?" I ask him as I help Bella out of the car.

"Follow me you beautiful ladies" he sweeps his arms dramatically and Bella grabs my hand following after him.

"Parker wait" she calls after him and he pauses.

I look down at her and she slips her tiny hand into his big ones, shock washes over his face for a moment before he catches my eye and smiles wildly.

"Come on then" Bella jumps up "are we going to go?"

"Of course boss. Let's go" he stutters before falling back to his confident self.

We enter a building tucked at the corner of the streets, it looks very smart but I have no clue what's inside. The second the door opens there's a loud voice.

"Ayyyyy Jones" the tall man behind the table calls out with a slight accent. He catches sight of me and Bella and the confusion is obvious "I always knew you had a baby mama somewhere"

"Oh he wishes" I mutter and the man smiles pushing his shoulder length dark blonde hair out of his face.

"So out back?" he asks and Parker glares

"What the? No! Here for the normal stuff idiot" he walks over.

I look around at the room, brightly graffitied reception for I don't even know what still, then I look through a glass door and see a corridor of rooms, each one with a window stretching across so you can see in.

"Oh my god" I mutter and the guy smiles

"Cool right?" Parker asks and I nod speechless.

Then I see the huge words above the counter
Smash relief

I chuckle, in the plain rooms are plates, cups and all sorts being smashed.

"Here me out. I didn't know we'd have Bella with us but Austin will sit with her and she can watch movies on my phone" he looks at me slightly panicked and I just nod.

"You good to watch a movie for a little bit Bella" I say and she nods excitedly.

"I promise I'm not a creep" Austin holds his hands up and Parker shakes his head.

"Idiot. That's what a creep would say. But he isn't and we'll be able to see her out the window the whole time" he says watching me as if I'll take any moment I can to run.

"Okay lets do it. You'll be able to see us the whole time" I nod to Parker who then talks to Austin, I look down at Bella who doesn't seem bothered.

"I want to watch movie, do you think Parker has good movies?" She asks and Parker spins around.

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