Chapter 3

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7:47 am

It was quite the sight to see, two UNAR shitheads under my supervision as hostages.

It's funny, I thought that I would never have hostages in my life.

It was weird at first, but then I remembered who I had as hostages.

(Splint): "I wonder who they are going to send after you two...don't matter, we'll still kill them. " I told the unconscious hostages.

I then began going through their equipment that was piled next to me.

Two decked out rifles with extra ammo clips, two knives, two radios, their camelbacks, their helmets, vests, and handguns, and some other shit they had.

Now, all their equipment belonged to us.

I then pocketed a candy bar and a new lighter from their belongings.

(Splint): "Wonder how far you two walked to get here. It's a shame, all that walking, just to become my hostages." I said while rolling into a laugh.

I then got the idea to get their dog tags.

I walked over to the two unconscious flea bags, bending down to grab their tags, and with a good tug, I snatched their dog tags.

I then sat back down in my original spot, examining their tags.

(Splint): "Who do we have here...David Cinder, and Linsey Bell." I said aloud to myself.

(Splint): "Well, David and Linsey, you two have gotten some bad luck... well, not as bad as your friend back there." I say to them while pointing to where their friend lied dead out in the forest.

Suddenly, I see their heads begin to shift around.

I guess they were starting to wake up.

I then pulled out my handgun and rested it on my lap, just incase they get crazy or do anything ballsy.

The male, David, started to move his head around, grunting as he did.

(David): "Ah...what the fuck, what's... going on?" He calls out while his friend began to wake up too.

(Linsey): "Ugh...what the...shit, hello?" She groans out, looking around, trying to get a feel of where they were at with the bags on their heads.

(David): "Linsey? Is that you? Are you alright?" He asks his friend, still groaning from the pain of his wound and head injury.

(Linsey):" David? Yeah, I'm fine... what's going on?" She says in a worried tone, moving her head to where she heard him.

I then got up and walked over to them, which actually startled them.

I then yanked both of their bags off their heads.

I then yanked both of their bags off their heads

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