Chapter 2

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Weiser 's POV

I began the ascent up the hill to Good Folk, along with the girl from the Pine settlement.

I looked next to me at the girl, noticing that she has gone through some absolute shit.

From the looks of it, she barley made it out of the settlement during the attack.

Feeling curious, I decided to start a conversation with her, but she beat me to it.

(Girl): "Thank you..." She said to me gloomily.

(Weiser): "No problem little lady. Say, what's your name anyhow?" I asked her, trying to change the mood.

(Weiser):  "Mine's Weiser." I stated.

(Girl): "My name's Jane, Jane Cassidy." She responded looking up at me.

(Jane): "You've got a unique name sir. What's the meaning behind it, if you don't mind me asking." She told me with a curious look on her face.

(Weiser): "Well, it's nothing special. It's more of a nickname." I told her.

(Weiser): "I got it cause it's the name of my favorite beer, Budweiser." I told her in a half chuckle.

(Jane): "Huh, I mean it's unique that's for sure." She stated in a joyful tone, obviously amused about how cool my nickname is.

We continued up the hill, occasionally helping her some rough terrain.

(Jane): "Those fucking animals..." She quietly stated, breaking a bit of silence we had.

(Weiser): "That they are." I agreed with her in a pissed off tone.

(Jane): "They just came in and destroyed everything and everyone with no reason." She bitterly stated.

(Jane): "They didn't even offer for us to surrender or anything, we weren't even a threat to them. Yet, they just...destroyed everything." She stated with hate in her heart.

(Weiser): "Don't worry Jane, once we get to Good Folk, we'll figure everything out." I told her with assurance.

(Jane): "Is Good Folk really as safe as they say?" She asked me, surprising me in some way.

(Weiser): "Who says that?" I ask her.

(Jane): "The people in Pine settlement, they said for me to just head south of Pine settlement and that I would find the safest place for me." She stated to me.

(Jane): "They said that Good Folk is the safest and most secured settlement near Pine settlement." She also stated to me, surprising me.

I knew we had some good security, but I didn't think we had the best security around.

(Weiser): "Huh, well they ain't wrong about how tight we are about security, you can thank Lee for that when you meet him." I told her with some pridefulness in my voice.

(Weiser): "He is like the head of command, so to speak. He manages our militia and keeps in touch with other settlements." I told her.

(Weiser): "He was actually a squad leader when he was still in the marines, so he has more experience with combat than any of us." I stated to her, catching her attention.

We reached the top of the hill, approaching the entrance of Good Folk.

Debby saw us from her porch, immediately getting up and coming over to us.

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