Chatper 1: What is in This New World?

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(A/N: Welcome the second book. I'm very proud of this chapter and opening to this second book)

Was this all a dream?


POV Hope:

Why was the whole world fading out? That is when I woke up sweating "It was all a dream?" I questioned myself.

I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and looked at the clock. It was a little past 7 o'clock.

Of course the one day I try to sleep in, I don't end-up sleeping in. I gave Ford his morning pets but also woke him up in the process.

I then hear Mom's alarm go off from their room. She was probably going for her daily 8 mile run. I decided to get up anyway. There is no way in hell that I'm going back to sleep. Not after that dream. I grabbed my phone and on the way to the kitchen. Mom was already in the kitchen getting ready to go on her run.

I let Ford outside to do his business and I sat at the island counter.

"Hi Hopey. Why are you up so early?" She was surprised to see me up before 8 o'clock which is the usuals time I would get up. "Couldn't go back to sleep." I expressed which wasn't a total lie. "What's up?" Mom asked while stopping what she was doing and paid attention to me.

I told her my whole dream to which she was confused about the whole thing like me.

"That is really strange." Mom confirmed with herself. I nod my head, agreeing with her. I start getting up to make myself a cup of coffee because I need it in my life.

"What was strange?" Mama comes into the kitchen.

"Maybe the dream was telling me that I'm going to have a little brother?" I thought to myself. "Hopey! Earth to Hope Lucia Deluca-Bishop?" Mama expressed trying to get my attention. "Yeah? Sorry. Just thinking." I finally came back into this reality and then taking a sip of my coffee.

"So what were you thinking about? Also you were going to tell me about your strange thing." Mama said making non-caffeinated tea for herself.

"Well...." I explained what the dream was about and she was just as shocked as Mom was.

"Ok bambina, I think that is a sign that this little one is a boy." Mama said, placing one of her hands on her growing bump.

"Possibly??" I wondered.

Ever since Mom and Mama told me about them trying for a baby, it has been a scary but exciting process.

"So what are plans for today?" I ask just seeing if they had any plans that clashed with my plans. "Well I have to pick up a few things from the station. So your Mama is going to tag along then we are going to get some lunch after that. Would you like to join us?" Mom asked me while finishing her cup of her weird nasty smoothie that she usually makes, for after her run.

"Um actually, not this time. Cove texted me last night and asked if I wanted to hangout either here, her house or out and about. So if that is ok with y'all?" I wondered what their response was.

"Yes that is fine but remember that you have a session with Dr. Lewis later today at 2.

So you need to be home around 1:30 which we should be back by then." Mama told me. "Ok I will be back in time for my online session. knowing how Cove and I operate we will Probably watch a movie or something." I answered back, letting them both know.

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