Chapter 8: Ronance goals

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After fighting monsters. Hawkins was chill again. It was the month of December. The gang was preparing for Christmas, picking a Christmas tree, getting all the Christmassy decorations and lights and buying some presents. Robin was planning to get a big surprise for Nancy, a surprise that Nancy would love. Robin wasn't sure about it, until Max and Erica convinced Robin to get a puppy for Nancy.
Nancy loved dogs and had always wished for one.

Robin was eating breakfast at Nancy's house.

Robin: Mrs. Wheeler the pancakes are fantastic!
Mrs Wheeler: Oh girl call me aunt Wheeler or mom if you want!
Robin: That'd be awesome. Ok I gotta go now. Max and Erica are coming.
Nancy: I'm going to the know errands.
Robin: Me too my love, I'll call you later. Love you.

Nancy kissed and said good bye to Robin. A few minutes later, Max and Erica knocked the door to get Robin and go to the pet shelter.

Max: Robin!! Let's go.
Erica: Are you getting a puppy!!?
Robin: Yeah, Nancy's Christmas present.
Erica: Awww
Robin: But shhh someone's gonna hear, it is a surprise.

Nancy was driving, she was planning to get Robin a puppy...TOO! Both Robin and Nancy were planning on getting a puppy for each other! Any of them knew about it. Nancy arrived to the pet shop. When she was there...she found the perfect puppy for Robin, it reminded me of her, it was a cute, chubby dark golden retriever, the funny puppy looked at Nancy. Nancy knew it was the one.

Back to the pet shelter, Robin, Max and Erica has arrived. They were looking for an special puppy. There was this small adorable puppy...

Max: Robin look!
Robin: Aww he's adorable!
Erica: It seems like a great puppy!
Max: Yeah
Robin: It's perfect!
Erica: So...are you adopting the doggie?
Robin: Definitely!

Robin got the adorable puppy. The next day it was Christmas. Everyone gathered in the Wheeler's house for Christmas dinner. Both, Robin and Nancy where so nervous about their presents. They were all sitting on the table.

Mike: is time to open the presents.

Robin: Now??
Mike: Yeah!! Come on.

Everyone opened their presents, everyone was so happy, it was time for Robin to get Nancy's present. Robin was smiling nervously at Nancy.

Nancy: Babe...what's going on? Are you ok?
Robin: Oh is just that I have to get your surprise. Let me go outside.
Nancy: Ok....I gotta go upstairs to my room, there's yours.

Both went again to the living room where everyone was gathered.

Robin: Ok we open our presents together?
Nancy: Oh yeah that would be fun!

Mike and Dustin were filming everything that day...

Dustin: Robin! Open it open it!
Mike: What's inside??
Mr Wheeler: Why is the box moving?

So Nancy and Robin both opened the boxes, and they saw two puppies.

Mike: Hahaha O M G!
Dustin: What?? Awesome!
Mr Wheeler: Wait What?? (He couldn't believe what he was watching).

Nancy and Robin looked at each surprised and laughing out loud.

Nancy: Omg Robin! This is amazing!
Robin: It is!
Nancy: So we got two puppies!
Robin: Yeah! Hahaha
Dustin: Any names?
Robin: This cute puppy looks like he could be Rocco. I like the name.
Nancy: So cute...and I think my puppy name will be Nilo...
Robin: Exactly! Rocco with R and Nilo with N!
Dustin: Genius!

A few days later right before the new year, Nancy published her first newspaper for the town to read. One of the titles of the Hawkins newspaper was "No Dingus at business: Rising Star Robin Buckley".

Mrs Wheeler: Look Nancy! You did it! You're making your dreams come true! I told you, you're so talented.
Robin: Aww honey you did such an amazing job! I'm so proud of you!

Everyone congratulated Nancy at the little reunion they prepared for New Year's Eve.
Robin took Nancy outside...Robin had planned something for months especially for Nancy with the Wheeler parents help. Robin handed Nancy an envelope.

Robin: There you go.
Nancy: What's this? You're making me nervous Robs...!
Robin: Open it Nance
Nancy: Omg no way! No way!

Nancy cried a little and jumped! Inside the envelope, there was tickets to New York. Nancy's dream place.
Robin: Here's another one.

Nancy opened the other one. She was accepted at the New York University. Nancy had applied to three universities. And she got to be in one of her dream schools.

Nancy: Omg!! This is amazing!
Robin: I love you.
Nancy: But...Robin...what about you? I just can't leave. I don't wanna be away from you. You also applied to the NYC university...what happened?
Robin: Guess What? I also got accepted to study Arts at the university!
Nancy: Congratulations baby!! Lets go then! Mom! Dad!!

They all went back inside. They cheered for Robin and Nancy.

Mike: I'm gonna miss you Nancy.
Lucas: You? Miss Nancy?
Mike: I know it's weird. But I will miss my sister.
Nancy: Don't worry Mike....We'll be visiting here once a month!
Max: I'm so happy for you both! We all miss you.
Eleven: It's 11:58pm!!
Will: New year!!
Robin: Everyone get ready!
Eleven: 3...2...1...!!

Robin and Nancy kissed and hugged for a long time. They still couldn't believe it.


It was the beginning of the year 1987, new beginnings and goals.
Robin and Nancy moved together to New York to persuade their dreams.
Leaving Hawkins was not easy. But what happens in Hawkins stays in Hawkins. Robin and Nancy's love grew even more. Eventually Nancy finally became a famous journalist and Robin graduated from Arts and business and also became a recognized singer with an album named "MYSS" she created herself.
They would visit Hawkins and the gang more often and they all lived happily ever after.

 They would visit Hawkins and the gang more often and they all lived happily ever after

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