"Yoongi is my right hand but I don't even know where you live? I see you less at work."

Jungkook just shrugged it off. "I was busy in sneaking information from police." It shut their mouth since Jungkook was incredible in saving goods before any raid. The mafia had been doing better than any timeline. He brought the profit so he was untouchable.

"Where are you going now? You just came." Yoongi looked at the man who walked to the door. Jungkook turned and said," I came to pay a visit. Drink some expensive wine and going back to work."


"Yeah. From where do you think I collect the data?" Jungkook winked before the doors closed.

Jungkook closed the door of the walked into the room. Seeing you sitting on the couch with the table full of data files.

"It just doesn't make any sense!" You groaned after nth time.

The white fumes over the tea was the only thing you could ask for another round of investigation.

Wrapping his arms around your neck he pecked your cheek. "Hey, babe. Did you had dinner?" He asked.

You nodded. "How was your get together with your friends?" He came and sat beside you. "Great. Have you taken the multivitamins?"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry." You rested the head against the chest while his eyes got laid upon the files against..


It was all in his palm. You carelessly studied the reports and files of criminals in front of Jungkook. He affixed it in your brain that he was the most sensitive, trustable and against violence. He told you he was wise.

Yes, he was kind but was he really innocent? All in all, no.

He had easy access of police's next plan and always got away before the cops arrived at the destination.

You flinched when his hand crawled under the sweater and caressed the waist. You looked at him confused. He said," You take so much stress. Don't go hard on yourself."

Leaning closer he pressed his lips on your and kissed you passionately. The desire escalated like wildfire and he turned more rough. Picking you from there to the mattress he stripped himself naked and had sex with you. After the orgasm you were exhausted and slept right away while he went to take a shower and coming back he didn't accompanied you on bed but sat at the couch to analyze the pre planning of police for the next week's diamond shipment.

He smirked before taking out his phone and dialling his man who was the incharge of the gems.

"Shift the location to another port." The worker followed his order. Jungkook disconnected the call and threw it on the couch. Going near the window where white curtains were flowing in air he lit a cigarette. He exhaled the smoke while having his gaze fixed on you.

He couldn't believe how beautiful he considered you. You were his most treasured human for whom he could bend the world. He gets to make love to you ever so often because he loves you.

But with pleasure comes pain.

With power comes responsibility. As a leader with reputation in underworld, he fitted into the role of a bad guy. The one who shouldn't be trusted at any cost.

At any cost.

He fulfilled his hunger of power by clawing you. He knew you would get mad and try to break up with him. That's why he didn't revealed his identity.

Badboys with good hearts didn't exist. If they had a good heart then they weren't a bad boy.

He couldn't be the typical soft boy. He was a typical liar. The base of this relationship was based on lies.

Pressing the tip against the windowpane he threw it out. Getting up from there he walked to the nightstand where the bottle of multivitamins were placed. He picked it up and scoffed," Multivitamins, huh?" He shook it and heard less beads shaking. Certainly you were taking them on time.

Love is blind.

He put it back and walked around the bed to sneak into the duvet and sleep beside you. He pulled you close and snuggled his face into the crook of the neck. Damn, he loved you so much that he could give his life for you.

How could've he confessed to Namjoon that he killed his man to save you? He remember the chase and the coincident glimpse of you driving the car. If he hadn't noticed you then you might not have been sleeping in his arms.

He would have lost you.

Jungkook was greedy, selfish and paranoid. That's what it takes to rule dirty people who didn't held morals of life but here he was living a double life with double identity.

You rolled on your back and face his chest as a form of unconscious action. He chuckled before pressing you closer and kissing the top of your head. He hoped it never ends. He hoped you never find out about him or it would be a chaos to put everything in line.

He had to choose between brotherhood and love. It's tricky.

No matter what he won't lose you. No, he won't! He couldn't live without you. It might sound childish where the criminal was living under the same roof as the cop. They were sharing bed, lust and love.

Rarely possible but that's what they were. Antagonistic.

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