1. Alleyway

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You groaned the nth time before cancelling another incoming call from your cousin who was an extrovert, basically a party animal that was howling to get you join her wild team too.

You sighed when the vibration echoed and picking it up instantly grimaced at the librarian who was throwing glares at you.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Kim Y/N. Eunhyuk is a hottie and if I didn't dated Nicolas then I would have made a move."

You rolled your eyes and whispered," I told you I don't want hookups, especially with Nicolas's friends who are much like him. Arrogant bad boys are not my type."

"Haha," she said dryly," How can I forget you like simps!"

"If you proved your point then hang up. I got a lot of assignments to do including yours, Kim Nina." You could hear her giggling at the other end whilst the pen you held in your hand was digging into the wooden desk to control the urge to yell.

"Actually, I called you inform you that Nicolas brought me on a date as a second anniversary event then we'll go to his house. If everything goes well, I'll be losing my virginity tonight."

"Geez, girl! That's gross, save my virgin ears," I faked a gag and chuckled," Keep your location on, leave hair and handprints over all his house, if required use Taekwondo on his third leg. Be safe, okay?"

"Yes, cop aspirant. Don't call me, peace out," she hung up real quick and you had to pass an apologetic smile to the French lady who was still staring you with a second warning over the afternoon.

You shook your head before shoving the phone in pocket and resuming the muffled scribbles on the notebook for hours.

You couldn't believe Nina turned eighteen last week and her birthday wish was to get her this week assignment done. Why did you had to promise her? You tsked at how you were stuck in library after pulling an all-nighter and still writting who knows what words to reach the word limits. A soft sigh erupted when the hours passed and finally the sun settled down, calling it a day for you to go back home.

After collecting your belongings you climbed down the stairs and walked back home with a can of coke, taking sips are equal interval. Almost turning at the corner, came at an hault when a group of menace were drinking around the shop from where you had to take a turn.

The chilling dread was still fresh at back of your mind where they tried to abuse you last month. If it wasn't for Nina to show up on time then you were about to be raped. Taking caution and reminding that the mentioned cousin was not there to provide protection and neither you wanted to take risk in unwanted quarrel you turned on your heels and decided to take sneaky narrow path that went around a scrapyard.

It was the first time using these types of alleyways which were often regarded as abandoned for danger but it was friendly neighborhood yet something about the mist or smoke and the rust of ur on around the gutter and backside of big building in this alleyway wad frightening.

To escape this spooky sight you decided to walk back fast, no way something out of ordinary would happen. It's the same old buildings and same old people and familiar s-
A loud scream cut off all your assurance about the path you chose for today. You shut your eyes, lips pressed tight as you cursed under the breath for listening to the heartfelt choice of path.

By lifting a leg around you were ready to chicken out. Truthfully, you had enough problems and you didn't wanted another one to pile them especially when these scenarios generally led to police case. Certainly you didn't wanted to get involve with criminals or law.

Get out of here, Y/N.

You scolded yourself when feets didn't moved an inch, afraid if you produced enough sound to attract whoever was assaulting the poor man.

Unfortunately, another ear piercing voice echoed and pathetic sobs reached you. You felt terrible and guilty to not even help but running away without trying to save a life. If not today then you might regret your entire life that you could've saved someone but you decided to leave him to die.

A sickening ache accelerated your body. You took a deep breath and fastened the straps of backpack before pulling out a iron pipe that was in the affixed to lock the gauge gates of scarp filled land. The gate opened but it was none of your concern.

I mean who even steal scraps.

You swing it back, griping it tight like a baseball bat, twisting the fore foot. Stepping closer at the turning of the shady corner you peeked across the lane where a man was sitting up against the wall, bruises covering his face in a mixture of dirt and blood patches before he spit blood at his other side, wiping his lips cleaning but eyes glaring at the group of men surrounding him.

"I-I thought you were a friend," said the injured man on ground crawling back, his face barely recognisable after stating his words.

You snapped out of your little bubble of thoughts when the blonde man kicked the victim in the guts which caused an silent cry out of the injured guy.

You clenched your jaw when blondie spitted," I was a spy, JK," he turned to the gang members with a smirk," You all should leave before cops arrive. I'll be right back after finishing him."

Your eyes widened when a series of black tinted cars drove away,thankfully you hid behind huge garbage container. It was a very risky task and you trapped yourself into this dangerous pit of end games. Now you couldn't step back, the enthusiasm of becoming a cop and saving a soul was at its peak. It was a situation of do or die.

Rolling up the turtleneck to mask the face you steadily stood up with a very strong grip over the iron. Both of the men were not aware of your approach as the end point was devoid of any lights or camera, especially the spicy talk show engaging their attention into one another.

From the look of it the man who aimed the gunpoint was over cloud 9 that he let down of his guards, something that you really wanted.

"No one's coming for you. They are five miles away. Got any last wish, JK?" The cold metal nozzle was pressed against his bloody forehead before he lazily wiped his bleeding lips. "Fckk you."

"Tsk, in another life, I guess." He was about to pull the trigger when the wrist swung in 360° hitting the elbow in such a fury that the cracking of bone was audible.

The gun skidded over the asphalt before clashing into the dead end wall as he held his broken right hand in a screaming pain.

His hoarse shout was scary and to be honest you were terrified when he twirled to attack you with a growl. But maybe your prayers were answered and almost subconsciously your hand again twisted on their own, eyes squeezed shut with another swing against his torso.

It was self defense.

He dropped on the ground with a thud and gone unconscious. You were terrified but didn't let anxiety to seize you. Therefore, you ran towards the man called JK who was fully distracted with his own hisses. He flinched when your arms snaked around his back but before he could push, you said," Relax, we gotta get out of here before he wakes up."

"I don't know you."

"Great, I don't know you too but I fucking risked my life in the name of humanity, so don't be an ass and come along."

He went silent and followed the command as the blondie was starting to wake up. "Let's go," helping him walk out you didn't wanted to go to police station as JK needed medical care over his wounds and the hospital was far from there, leaving no choice but to bring him home.

You carried the rod with you because leaving the rod on spot meant risking to promote your fingerprints. No thanks, you weren't a celebrity to leave hints. Honestly, you couldn't even go to cops because you didn't wanted yourself to get arrested for something you didn't did on purpose so instead of that you deemed to treat the man then shoo him off.

You sighed when looked up, a dirt covered face took rapid breaths and the metallic blood was making him look muddy. "Hey, I'm gonna treat you then you gotta leave the next morning, okay?"

You stumbled few steps yet he didn't answered your question.


He hummed.

That's an improvement. Indeed this night was extraordinary for both as you walked back home with a stranger.

FASÇADE (On Hold) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora