Chapter 1"How can I impress a girl like that?"

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Yotan was sitting in his new home and his new bedroom. He was very lucky to get a new family like this. Still he was hesitant about everything.

Was it really okay to me come and stay here? What about other elves? What do they think? The human with a magic star...

It was Yotan's insecure. He was afraid that others wouldn't want to him to stay there anymore eventhough he had saved Magic Crystal.He was afraid that his new family would leave his first family and other families who had taken him only to end up orphanage again.

I know that won't happen..any time soon...Hopefully..

Jiffy, who was Yotan's companion and also talking squirel looked her friend with worry in her eyes. Of course their journey was accident to them to come Santa's home.

"Are you okay?" asked Jiffy.

"I am fine.."

"Well..I know you well enough Yotan. And that face isn't a happy face."

Yotan looked at Jiffy, then sighed and nodded.

"The thing is..Is not that I don't trust Santa and his people..But what if they decide they don't want me here anymore? They will get skeptical keeping a human here..Just like Jaga said before."

"I know you two didn't had the greatest start but think about this..She changed..I am pretty sure she would really sad if you feel that way. Eventhough she is an elf doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have feelings."

"You are right..Maybe I am just thinking way too much.."

"Maybe you do..Should we go to eat?"

"Aren't you eating already?"

"I meant real food Yotan!"

"Okay..Okay..Just joking.."

Yotan the took Jiffy to his shoulder and runned to mainhall. After they arrieved they noticed Santa who was speaking to someone.

"How many times do I have to tell Akui? I won't give you magic star!"

"Why not Santa?! I have done everything you had asked me to do?!Why?! I deserve a magic star! Unlike that human boy who you are still sheltering here!"

Santa was getting really angry to hear this elf boy yelling. Yotan was about to step to the conversation but then stopped when Jaga walked to Santa.

"Hey Santa.What is all of this noise?"

"Nothing Jaga..I"

"Tell him Jaga! That he should give me that magic star that he gave that human boy..I am more worthy to become Red Caps leader..!"

Yotan waited Jaga to answer.

Maybe it's better for a elf to become leader..I am just here to make things more difficult..

"How can you say that?! Yotan was the one who saved Magic Crystal..He saved Christmas and also me.."

"You were just saying different thing couple days ago!"
"Only because I thought it was his idea to steal the crystal..! Yotan is a kind person and it was my fault to judge him beforehand."

Akui stared at Jaga and Jaga staring him back. Yotan could feel electric power in the room.

Well..He messed up.

"Calm down Jaga..You Akui..Just go continue your task.."

Akui left with annoyence. Yotan on other hand took other direction and decided to walk away from his hidding spot.

"Sing from your heart" Yotan x JagaWhere stories live. Discover now