Chapter 8 "5 years later"

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It had been 5 years since Yotan left his home. Being busy with idol work and being his last year being in Tokyo University of Arts. He felt guilty and was tired because he wanted to visit at his home but being university student and idol at the same time had leaving him almost without money. He had send some stuff for them and tried to call for them but he knew that they were as busy as himself.

"Camon Yotan! You have to go and visit your family.."

"I know but I don't have time.."

"There is always time..for family.."

"I am gratuating soon Adonis..I have to do my final music work..And then I will go..I promise.."

"You always say you mean that..this time?"

"Of course..Adonis..I will do this..till the end.."

"Yeah..But then we will be going to see your family...I will inviting Hiiro, Hokuto, Rei, Ritsu and Mika..too.."


Yotan started to make his final song. And time went on..It was almost Christmas again and Yotan gratuted. He was finally out Tokyo University of Arts. It was time for him go home.

"Remember your promise?"

"Yeah..Yeah..stop pressuring me already Adonis.."

"I know but I just want to make sure.."

"Okay..Okay! Have you packed already? You are always late when it comes to that!"

"Oh..Shoot! Great that you reminded of me!"

Yotan rolled his eyes and smiled.

To be honest I am lucky to have a friend like Adonis..Being solo-artist and producer is quite lonely sometimes but knowing that there are people that are caring about you is a amazing feeling..I will show everyone what I had become..

Meanwhile in Santa's home everything (again..) getting ready for Christmas. Jaga's dissapointment it was lot of work. She had waited for another package from Yotan but when the time came when the package was suppose to come it didn't. It made Jaga worried since it was only thing that kept them in touch.

"Santa! Yotan's package didn't come"

"I can see that.."

"Do you think something happend?!"

"I don't think so..He told in his last letter that he was going to be busy for couple of months..because his idol work and other productions.."

Jaga sighed. Waiting for someone 5 years was long time. But it was normal right? Yotan had his life in Japan. It made Jaga feel weird.

He haven't come visit..after he left to Japan..So he broke his promise..Why..He doesn't think about how I felt..He isn't coming back...

This is how Jaga felt. She felt that since Yotan didn't come in Christmas and year after that and a year after that.

Why I am even waiting?..He isn't coming back..huh..

Yotan's plane had just left Japan. He was clearly nervous by the trip.

"Yotan..I know you are nervous..But it's going to be alright.."

"Adonis..there is something that I have not told you about my family.."

"You can tell me..What is it?"


After telling Adonis about his family Adonis 's eyes were wide open.

"Sing from your heart" Yotan x JagaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz