15. He is unleashed

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The camerman did a close up of the man who walked ahead with a dark aura followed by another man who was rather short with mint colored hair.

Jimin saw the prisoner stepping forward and talking with these two. The trio stood in the centre of bodyguards while Hoseok was scared. One single mistake and they won't spare anyone.

"Y/N, speed up." Jimin yelled when he saw the criminals walking out of the area. They were only 20m apart on highway when Jimin saw the screen, Namjoon and the colored guy getting inside the vehicle bit something about the third person was unsettling.

He signalled his guards to board their respective cars and stood their alone. He turned around, pulling out his gun and a direst shot striked the camera and broke it.

The sound was audible even in the car. You could hear it. They were near. When you thought they were close a series of black SUVs drove out on the road, ahead of you all a few metres away. In between them was the black limousine.

Holding the receiver you said," Follow them. Try not to kill them. Bring them alive." Putting it back you said," Hold on, guys. The ride's about to go rough." With a single drift you went off road in full speed to have a displacement to the target.

Jimin clutched the seatbelt for his dear life. More than fighting he was afraid of your enigma.

Gunfire started better the cops sitting behind with the men in those SUVs. Jimin pulled out his pistols and shot those bad guys. One by one the cars lost balance because of unconscious drivers, the cars clashed together and blasted in air. Ahead of the burning pile you took out your gun and fired at the tyre of the limousine. Luckily the tube punctured.

A guy aimed his sniper at you from the first car leading the chase but a hand, fully covered, shot him before he could kill you. It did not went unnoticed by Jimin though you were clueless while distributing equal attention to the steering wheel.

Suddenly the limousine entred a civilized area. In loss of momentum your car spinned twice before you handled the grip over the car and followed them although they had gain a distance.

The wheels rolled and translated but you lost words when a group of people came out on the road, protesting to free Palestine.

A cop from behind answered a call and said," We lost the target."

You punched the sandbag hanging from the wall. The skin over the knuckles got torn and you had fire in your eyes. In your entire career you never disappointed the department.

Blaming the protesters would be injustice to yourself.

"Argh!" Your hand got twisted behind and pressed down on the ground. Jimin pushed his elbow on your shoulder and trapped you.

"Y/N, stop it! Damaging ones own body will not correct anything."

When your enraged breathing became normal you slumped on the surface. You stood up and went to sit on a wooden plank, fixated in the wall. You leaned against the concrete. Bringing a water bottle Jimin sat beside you and opened it for you.

You drank from it and took heavy exhales.

"Don't go hard kn yourself, Y/N. All the prisoners who escaped are again back into the cell with the help of police force."

You snapped your fingers at him. "Except the one for whom the explosion was planned. How could we miss him?"

Jimin took your hand in his and drew circles on the palm. He notices how badly you were injured but didn't treated them yet. He said,"It happens. It's hard to get our hands on him again but if have done this, we can again succeed to have him back."

"I hope so." You hissed when he took out a band aid and pasted it on the wound. You tried to yank it but he pulled the hand back. He presses his lips at the back of your hand and said,"Take your care, Y/N. I still love you. Even if we cannot be romantic, I'll be your platonic lover."

He uncomfortably shuffled on the seat. He noticed the body language. You said,"Jimin, I-" He pressed his thumb against your lips. "Don't say anything. Let me live this moment. Love might be a big term for us. We love our parents, siblings and relatives. That love is equivalently deep as mine towards you. Without the typical physical love, I only adore you. I hope you understand."

He left you dumbfounded. You saw him exiting the gym. After taking another hour of self-moral uplifting you decided to go home.

When you came back at the residence you were quite astonished with the delicious, mouth watering smell of pork curry.

Tiptoeing into the kitchen you uncover the lid of the pot. Damn, his cooking skills were sharper than knives.

"Gotcha." You flinched when he lifted you by waist. Your hands were in air when he tightly held your waist and like a mannequin brought you out in the living room.

Before he could place you on floor you jumped out of his grip. He noted to defend that move next time.

"What took you so late? You disappeared in the morning and and it's midnight."

"Work stuff. You know advantage of serving the country." You did a dismiss action from hand. He noticed the bandaid and immediately dragged you to the couch.

"Why are you injured?"

You pulled the hand back, out of his grip and said," I was in the gym. Fortunately, Jimin helped me to treat it."

"Jimin? Who?" Jungkook frowned.

You leaned back on the backrest and closed your eyes. "A friend."

He, himself, was a man. A possessive on top of that. He'll run a background check on this Jimin. Meanwhile he said,"Is that so?" You hummed with a nod. Standing from his place he walked into the bedroom and gave you a multivitamin bottle with white pills.

He said," You seemed tired lately so I bought you these to strengthen your stamina. Let's have dinner and call it a day."

"Yeah, right."

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