5. Harley Davidson on road

Start from the beginning

"But I won't. Not from now on." You crossed the arms with a huff. He shook his head and applied a break to let your upper body follow the inertia and get collided against his broad leather adorned back.

"Stop being stubborn. Now hold on."

You did it to avoid him applying the same trick. When he parked it your eyes widen with the view of the most section of the area. The cream colored, blue pointed castles in the North and multicolored intact houses were in the South as you could see the sun brightening over the sky as a blur line of modern tall buildings were at a distance from that point.

Jungkook took slow yet long strides to grip the bar next to you and inhale. Opening his eyes he looked at you who was admiring the top view with eyes full of excitement and mischief of a toddler.

"You look different when you smile."

"Huh?" A subtle tilt of chin indicated how confused you were with his words. "In a good way or bad way?"

"Good way, of course. You look.."

He lost words when your dark orbs stared back at him with the golden light hitting the sides of the profile to make you look ethereal. His eyes sparkled with admiration and something tingled in his chest.

"I look what?"

He shook his head," Nothing." You poked your cheek and crossed the arms. "Complete the sentence, Jungkook. I am what?"

"You look like a woman."

"Of course, I do. I'm not an orangutan."

You fanned your hand over the humor although he didn't bothered to slip a glance.

He was busy in his own world, taking deep peaceful breaths in meditation-like vibes until it broke due to a ringtone.


He swiped up, going to a safe distance to not let a thrid ear hear the conversation. "Hey, hyung-nim."

Namjoon hummed from other side and whispered," Listen carefully, I have less time remaining." Jungkook became attentive after taking a sneak peek at you who was still observing the hilltop.

"I have recovered. Send the file tonight at 9pm. Deal has been scheduled at Gangnam. I need the information from the pendrive, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Anything else?"

"No. For now, stay grounded. Yoongi has never disappointed me as my right hand and will keep you undercover." Jungkook subconsciously nodded even though Namjoon wasn't there to see it," Don't hesitate if you need help. I'll come right away."

"That's what scares me. You'll be caught up like me. It's better if one of us remains away. I have to go now, bye."

"Bye, hyung." He hung up. Looking at the name he bit his lips in concern for his brother like friend. He would send it tonight, no problem in that but the safety of the BTS was also important.

"What took you so long?" He flinched when he saw you standing behind him at a distance. He shoved his phone in the back pocket and said," Nothing. Something urgent came so we have to get going."

"Okay." You bobbed your head, already walking ahead of him. When he noticed you were a bit off he grabbed your wrist. "Hey, you okay?"

You sighed," Yeah. I'll miss this day. Till date of my stay in France I didn't explored this much, so I will miss this." You scratched the cheekbone with a small smile of blush.

He chuckled," You won't miss me?" Your eyes widened. You didn't wanted to hurt him but agreeing to it would mislead him. You certainly don't see him more than friend.

"You're a good tour guide."

He nodded, pulling out a box and putting it on your palm. He said," A gift for you, I guess."

"What is it?" You opened it and found a pair of enchanting earrings which you were looking at in the shop. You smiled when he rubbed his nape in shyness.

He said,"Honestly, those were my first craft after thousands of tries. The only thing Yoongi approved to be decent and since I saw you liking it, so why not giving it to its rightful owner."

"You won't miss it?" The same question got him astonished plus amused at how his words were being used at him in return.

"Nah, I make and sell. You take and wear. That's the relationship between an artist and the lover of art."

"Thank you, Jungkook. I'll take care of it...as a lover...of art."

Both of you snickered at how lame these lines sounded. Cringe.

Putting aside any other delay, the bike was back on the road and sun was going down. It was really an adventurous day along him.

He pulled brakes outside the house and you stood away from it, adjusting the hair. "Thank you for dropping me home." You exclaimed. He shook his head and said," No problem. You should get going."

His twinkling eyes stared back at you. It was really fun. Never have you ever did something unusual and it was worth it.

But standing still, looking at hom as he was kicking checking himself in the mirror you felt a little in debt. As if you owed hin something for this beautiful life moment.


He stopped fixing his hair and turned to look at you with his questionable doe eyes until they expanded in a second when a pair of soft moist lips smashed against his cheek.

"See you soon." You ran away before you regret.

He was still there. Maybe nowhere. Alone in faze when his fingers reached up to trace the warmed up mark. He hiccuped and again before he turned to look at the closed door.

Yeah, he was a bit to late to realize he was standing there since the last five minutes. He cursed himself before starting the engine.

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