New beginnings

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"Shit, I'm gonna be late." ,resounded the voice of the protagonist Xaori Denker. He was a light skinned 15 year old of average height ,around 5"7 to be correct, thinly built, but his lean figure holds hidden muscle that's the result of intense body training.

He had hair as black as a void that fell over his head and light blue eyes that could be sharp as a knife or as soft as dough. He woke up and jumped into high gear basically fumbling about here and there putting on his clothes to prepare for school. He brushed his teeth and walked outside his room. "Hmm looks like the place is empty." , he thought out loud.

He checked around for his parents or siblings, but nobody was to be found. "They must have all headed out and didn't remember to wake me up. No matter." He grumbled while hoisting his bag on his shoulder and preparing to head out. 'I'll be at school in no time anyway.', and with that last thought he closed the door to the house locking it and started sprinting down his street towards the school.

Now if someone was to ask how far his school were from his house he would tell you a 15 minute walk. Someone who walks normally would make it in 25 to 30 minutes. So because of his speed Xaori got there in 3 bordering on four minutes. He was about to walk in when his principle stopped him.

"You're late, go to detention until second period.", it was a very neutral tone with which his principal said it, but you could tell he meant it. He was a 6"1 pale man with grey hair and mysterious grey eyes, but other than that you wouldn't know he was in his 100's.

He was a wide man so one would always think before attempting to get out of line. "Damn it, Greyson you couldn't be anymore cool about it?" It was in a questioning tone, but one could tell he was being sarcastic by the look on his face.

    "That's Mr.Langhuie to you. Now I would suggest you make your way to detention Mr.Denker or else we may have to contact your "famous" father to let him know of your behavior.", the word "famous" being accompanied by an eye roll.

  Xaori started to walk towards the stairwell to head to the basement where detention was, but right as he was about to go through the door he stopped, looked back with a turn of the head and uttered, "Maybe you should contact him old man. Let him know he's a dick for not waking me up." Xaori walked into the stairwell and down the stairs. He was still in earshot enough to hear the growl from Mr.Langhuie before the door closed.

     It was 9:30, there was still 45 minutes before first period was over "Welp, looks like I have some time to kill. I might as well head to the spot so I don't get caught. As fun as it is to piss Grayson off it'll be more trouble than it's worth", and with that said he walked out the back of the stairwell instead of continuing down and headed into the courtyard.

He checked around and made sure nobody was following him before making his way down another set of stairs and walking into some bushes on the football field into a clearing behind the foliage. He was surprised to see his childhood friend Jin Magnus already there with his eyes closed. Jin greeted him with his usual nod of the head.

Jin was dark skinned with a hint of red and a little taller than Xaori ,around 5"9 to be exact, but that was expected, after all he is a year older than Xaori. His muscle was actually more visible than Xaori's even though they were built similarly, he had white hair and his hair was in a ponytail with two bangs framing his face, and his eyes were a deep black. He was aloof in expression and just gave you that "too chill for no reason" kinda vibe and it didn't help his voice was deep yet quiet.

"I guess I should have expected you'd not be in class Xaori. After all, you rarely are in class anyway in first period.", the first words to come out of Jin's mouth were followed by a grin.

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