4. Workshop visit

Start from the beginning

Your stomach really got blessed.

He gulped, averting his eyes with a tint covering his face. "I really thought you won't come. I gave up after 2:30 and went out."

"But here I am. Plus I'm sorry. I tried to come early but the damn schedule of examination got me a headache."

"Good for me, I ain't in high school," he chuckled. You scoffed diverting your eyes to the shelves behind him. "Did you made those?"

He turned to steal a glimpse and shook his head as no. "It's Yoongi hyung. He's talented and after retirement he opened this shop for fun."

"Retirement from what? Is he that old?"

"Oh he was right han-" He cleared his throat and said," He was my boss's earliest friend and now mine. He isn't old but does sound grumpy and act like old halabeoji." He called Yoongi an uncle, totally unaware that a third person was listening about the backbiting.

"Am I old, Jungkookie?" He placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and smiled, more like you're done smile. "No, hyung you-" He turned around finding a furious Yoongi and fell from the chair in fear.

"W-When did you came back?"

Yoongi took a slice of pizza and said," When you were freely discussing about my retirement with this lady- Hey, I know you." Yoongi pointes his finger. You squinted the eyes, remembering that he was the one who was in the cab with you.

"World is really a small place. Good to know, we got a link. Hi, I'm Y/N." He took your extended hand and did a handshake. "Min Yoongi, owner of this shop."

"When did you came back from grocery shopping?"

Yoongi pointed his thumb back to the clock. "It's 2:45. Only fifteen minutes were left so I came back to work. Why? You didn't wanted me to know you brought your girlfriend? You wanted to hide it from me? Do you think I am like Joonie?"

Who was Joonie?

"No, hyung she's not my... I'm single. She's a friend who rescued me that night."

The victim threw his hands in air as if surrendering. Yoongi shook his head, inserting the pizza in his mouth and transferring the pizza box at his desk. You looked at Jungkook who was equally confused.

Yoongi was chewing the bite while opening his drawer and throwing a key at Jungkook which he caught like in baseball games. "You're off duty. I'll look after the shop for you while you ride her back. You can come back home late too, your call."

"It's okay. You don't have to, I can go back alone." You exclaimed.

"No, let him drop you. He only acts like a mosquito killer. Either he disturbs me or read comic books. It's better to give him some real work of being a gentleman. Let him drop you, I insist."

You nodded.

The younger lad couldn't believe his ears that one of the most intimidating guy was urging him for quality time. But he couldn't deny the offer of getting free from work even if he had to use the excuse of sending you home.

Yoongi was aware of Jungkook's no dating rule. He never involved himself into strong emotions as he couldn't risk to lose them. He was afraid to even start and why should he when his fabulous single life was exciting. He achieved promotions at a young age and relationship would only divide his priorities. For now he wanted to work on his job.

Metal craft was enough for a hobby to kill time.

All that he really wanna do was to set the youngest in his limits. The maknae was ferocious, fearless and unstable like a radioactive nuclear missile, ready to explode, anytime, anywhere if not handled right. That's one of the reasons why Namjoon ordered Jungkook to board the flight, away from the uproar until the chase would cool down and a little fun would not harm the flower boy whose hands were tinted with blood.

Jungkook immediately removed his brown apron and asked you to go out and wait at the parking which was 3m away from the stairs by the door. He wore his leather jacket, shoved a jewellery box in his pocket and wore shades evening in the growing old evening with orange hue as sun was setting down.

The Seine river would be the best place to cross and then highways with trees could make up for a beautiful long drive.

He nodded in enthusiasm but before he could go Yoongi pulled his collar, dragging him inside the shop.

He sent a death glare to the man. "I repeat. Do not ride her! But drive her back home." Jungkook rolled his eyes,"Of course, I will."

"I will what?" Yoongi crossed checked.

"Ride her....back home. Bye, Minty," he ruffled the mint colored hair and ran away for the sake of his life. Although Yoongi only chuckled taking another bite and peeking through the binds at the couple.

Double update

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