Chapter 3 ~ The Date

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     We rode in the back of the same black SUV that had picked me up at the airport. “Do you always get chauffeured around?” Johnny laughed. “Most days, but there are plenty of days that I go for a ride myself. Maybe I will take you for a ride sometime.” Well, that went in a totally different direction in my head. “That would be nice.” I smiled at him as he took my hand into his. We were sitting in the back together, away from the noise up front. The look in his eyes tonight was different. A look of passion, desire, need, want. I reached for a necklace he was wearing, a silver anchor. “I’ve always liked this necklace on you. What is the story behind it?” Johnny’s eyes got sad. He held the anchor in his hand as he told me the story. “It was one of many anchor necklaces I got while working as Jack Sparrow. This one is special as it is the first necklace I bought during the first filming of POTC.” I could tell remembering his time as Jack Sparrow hurt him. It was a role he was extremely passionate about and one he gave his all for. He was an honest man, and he was sticking by that honesty by not going back to Disney. I didn’t blame him, hell, I wouldn’t go back to them either after the way they treated Johnny. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt though. I cupped his face in the palm of my hand and reached over to give him a hug. He gripped me with such intensity, I could feel his emotions going through me. “I am glad you are here Julie, I really am.” I kissed him on the forehead and smiled, running my fingers through his thick, brown hair.  

     The SUV came to a stop in front of a small restaurant on stilts that was right on the water. It was not busy and was very private as Johnny had mentioned. Johnny took my hand and led me up the stairs into the restaurant. We were seated in a booth overlooking the Pacific Ocean, it was beautiful! The lights were low and there was soft music in the background. “Julie, I never introduced you to my wife. This is Grace.” I smiled at her. “Hello Julie, I’ve heard SO much about you!” Grace innocently looked over at Johnny. “Oh, really? Nothing bad I hope.” Johnny was being shy and looked away but not as he held my hand underneath the table. “You two are so cute together! I love it!” Grace said enthusiastically. I could tell Johnny was becoming uncomfortable by the things Grace had said. I moved my hand from his and rubbed his thigh ever so gently underneath the table. I could hear his breath quicken at my touch. “Let’s go get a drink at the bar, Grace.” Stephen looked over at Johnny who mouthed, “Thank You”, to his friend. “Interesting friends you have there.” I chuckled and smiled at Johnny. “Yeah, you could say that, but I love them.” Stephan and Grace spent most of the dinner at the bar, I’m sure to give Johnny and I some privacy. We spent the evening talking, laughing, and eating delicious food! “You like walks on the beach?” “Of course, I do and I’m sure you already knew that.” Johnny winked at me and smiled. “I pay attention to the small things when I’m with someone I care deeply for”. My heart skipped a beat at those words. He cares deeply about me?! Maybe he does feel the same way as I do? A tear escaped my eye and Johnny cupped my face and kissed it away. God, I’m falling hard for this man!  

     “Excuse me? Can we have a picture with you?” I turned around to find two young girls who wanted pictures with Johnny. Before Johnny could say anything, I said, “I’ll take the picture for you!” The girls were super excited, and Johnny smiled at me before getting up to oblige the request. “Ready? 1, 2, 3, Smile!” CLICK! “OMG, this is perfect! Thank you so much!” One of the girls looked at Johnny and said, “I hope you keep this one! She’s nice.” With that, both girls walked off, looking at the picture and giggling. Johnny’s face turned a shade of pink I never saw before. “You didn’t have to do that.” “I wanted to; I know how much your relatives mean to you. Remember, I’m one too.” Johnny wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close to him. “No, you’re much more than that.” The look of desire was in his eyes again. Ugh! I had to get out of this restaurant. This man is driving me nuts with his words and the looks in his eyes. Johnny took my hand and started leading me out of the restaurant. “Wait! What about Stephen and Grace?” “They will be fine until we get back, no worries.” Johnny smiled at me and put his hand on the swell of my lower back as we descended the stairs and made our way onto the beach. 

Could It Be?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن