August 29th, 2022

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Dustybun: hi guys

Dustybun: i fucked your moms

Dustybun: i'm sorry

Dustybun: i'm nervous about this whole mike situation

MxdMaxx: will can you please tell us what happened?

Byersboy: no

Eggos4L: please dude?

Byersboy: no

Byersboy: stop asking me

Byersboy: go ask mike


Mike has been crying in bed for the past two hours. He can't help it. His father is an abusive, homophobic, piece of shit. His mom is gone with Holly somewhere to stay overnight to keep her away from the bullshit.

Mike's door suddenly opened revealing his shitty father.

Mike quickly wiped the tears off of his face.

"Get out." Mike demanded.

"No. I need you to start packing your bags."

"No. Get out." Mike continued rubbing his eyes.

"Michael, are you crying?" Ted asked. "Boys don't cry."

"Shut up."

"You see? This is why you couldn't hit me. You queers are weak. That's why that Byers boy is crying all the time—"

"God! Do you ever shut the fuck up?!" Mike yelled as he stood up from his bed.

"You quit yelling at me! I am your father! You don't get to scream at me!" Ted pushed him almost making him fall to the ground.

"Don't fucking touch me!"


Nancy heard all the commotion and screaming from Mike's room. She couldn't just sit there and listen to it. She had to do something.

She got up from her bed and went to her closet and grabbed...something.


Mike and Ted were in each others faces having a screaming match. Mike was crying and extremely scared.

Nancy marched into the room, gun in hand.

She cocked her gun and aimed it at Ted. Mike and Ted looked over at Nancy. Mike widened his eyes after seeing she has a literal gun in her hand.

"Dad, get out!" Nancy yelled with her finger on the trigger. Mike took a few steps back, still staring at Nancy.

"What are you doing?!" Ted exclaimed, putting his hands in front of him.

"I mean it! Get the fuck out!" Nancy's hand was shaking.

"Nancy, come on. You don't have to do this—"

"You've got five seconds to get the hell out!" Nancy yelled.

"You wouldn't. I'm your father."

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