The Falling Star

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The next day came quickly and the bubbly girl was still riding her high from the night before. Or at least she was, until she saw the spar pairings on the arena screen.

Once again, she had been placed against Izuku.

Their conversation from a week before played through her head and she gritted her teeth. Something told her that once again, he wouldn't be treating her equally.

But maybe she was wrong... maybe he would see this exam as too important to not showcase his abilities properly. At least she had to hope he would.

She chanced a glance over at Katsuki where he leaned against the wall with Kirishima. He was glaring at the listing.

Is he mad that I'm fighting Deku instead of him?

She shook her head. They'd have time for their rematch another day. And she didnt have time to keep dwelling on it. She was up first.

Ochako took a deep breath before stepping onto the arena platform. Deku also stepped up onto his side of the arena. And suddenly her hope that he'd take her seriously as an opponent were dashed.

He smiled at her. Actually smiled. He seemed completely unworried by their upcoming fight. His stance was relaxed and she could tell that his plan was to get the fight over with quickly. Already she could feel her annoyance growing.

To him this seemed to just be some casual spar between friends that he knew he was going to win. Even though she had proven time and time again that she was growing and excelling, he continued to not take her seriously. And she had the sinking feeling that he would be more concerned with knocking her out of the ring instead of actually engaging with her.

The feeling proved to be correct as soon as the buzzer rang through the arena. Immediately, Deku aimed and attempted to shove her out of the ring with a burst from his hand. Ochako had been prepared and had used her quirk to shift her center of gravity to the bottoms of her feet. She braced against the impact and when it was over, released and ran toward him.

Keeping low she began to touch and float rubble above the two of them. Hopefully he would think that she was going to recreate the scenario from her fight with Katsuki, and would focus on the debris. His attention was briefly drawn to the floating rubble but he continued to try to blast her out of the arena and put space between them. The more rocks that accumulated the more she could feel the beginnings of nausea curl around her stomache. But the more she saw how seemingly unworried Deku was, the angrier she became.

How dare he, after all the work she had put in he still wasn’t taking her seriously.

When she finally got within range of him, he jumped away from her. And that was the final straw.

"DEKU, COME BACK AND FIGHT ME YOU DAMN COWARD", she bellowed, launching herself forward while beginning to release the rubble.

It was reckless.

Torrents of rock began to pelt down on the two of them, and they each had to dodge the onslaughT. The difference was, he was focusing on getting out of the way of the falling rocks, and she was focused on getting to him. Secretly she began making herself lighter and faster, all the while closing the distance between them.

As the rocks created craters in the arena she made more float to replace the ones that came crashing down at them. She was making her way to him, and he didn’t seem to notice.

Using his distraction, she herself caught a ride up on one of the larger rocks.  She jumped from boulder to boulder, releasing them as she went, and closing the distance till she was finally above him.  When she released the final rock she landed on, she hurtled to the ground with it.

She only jumped before it made contact with the ground. Deku had been so focused on jumping out of the rocks trajectory that he didn't see her land in his path. And he definely didn’t see her swing her lightened fist.

"Release." She yelled, right before her fist made contact with his jaw.

The crack of bone was distinct among the sound of falling rock and Deku, who was not prepared flew out of the ring, completely unconscious.

She had won.


Katsuki was standing next to Kirishima in the viewing room, eyes glued to the massive monitor. He had been getting increasingly angry watching the damn nerd try to swat Ochako away like he couldn’t be bothered to fight her properly.

If it weren’t for the occasional nudges from Shitty hair he would have blasted his way into the arena to throttle the bastard. It was bad enough he was having a hard time controlling the sparks in his palm.

He definitely wasn’t the only one upset. The scowl on her angelic face was enough to make his blood boil. 

“I’ll kill that nerd.” He gritted under his breath.

“Bakugou.” Kirishima cautioned, gently touching his shoulder. The touch, though nice, did little to relieve Katsuki's tension.

“DEKU COME BACK AND FIGHT ME YOU DAMN COWARD” came an angry roar through the speakers. Any chatter in the room was immediately silenced.

The silence kept for a few seconds before Pikachu spoke.

“Is it just me or did she sound a little bit like- OW” he started, but was interrupted by earphones elbowing him in the ribs.

“Shut up Denki, we’re watching the fight” She said quickly, before exchanging a weird look with Frog and Tits.

Whatever he thought before turning his attention back to the screen.

Ochako had begun to make the arena into a meteor field, repeatedly replenishing the sky. It was obvious Deku was having a hard time pinpointing her with all the dust and disorientation from having to continuously dodge. But Katsuki was able to follow her as she began to catch speed and close the distance between them.

Not in front of him he'll see you, Katsuki thought desperately

And almost as if she heard him she began riding rocks into the sky. Deku had completely lost sight of her now, and when she released another rock she landed in his trajectory as he tried to get away from it. The fist that flew was almost impossible to see on the screen. But the impact was heard throughout the whole room.

Deku was sent flying out of the ring and landed in a crumpled heap against the arena wall.

Everyone was dead silent.

"OCHAKO URARAKA HAS WON THE MATCH!" Mics voice rang out.

Immediately the extras in the class began to talk excitedly about the fight, singing their praise of his angel.

His angel...

“shitty hair” he said quietly.

“whats up, Blasty?”

"What do girls like? I need to buy 100 of them."

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