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Ochako hadn't initially meant to challenge the explosive blonde. But she had known him long enough to know that he would come if someone questioned his ability to do something. It was the only way to make him do something he didn't want to do. And she wanted him to be there. 

She wasn't quite ready to be alone with him. But she wanted to see him more and figure out how interacting I'm public would be. Also now that she had started talking to him she was unable to stop herself from taking him in. Before it seemed like it was taboo to look at her crush. But the interaction between them had made her bolder and she was able to study his features and movements. She wanted to keep seeing him. 

She hadnt meant to challenge him. But nobody else was going to.  And when they had locked eyes she was glad she had. Her mind raced thinking about how he could respond. How was he going to show her how patient he could be? 

She couldn't wait to find out. 


Bakugou had not yet shown up to the study group.  Ochako had arrived early in order to help prepare tea and snacks. Everyone would be arriving soon and then they would work together on English and math. The class had decided to do the academic studying on the corresponding days when the subject was reviewed in class. So everything would stay fresh in their minds and they would be able to work with everyone on any questions they had during the lesson. 

When snack prep was done she helped the others on snack duty (momo and sato)  bring everything to the table. People had started filling the 4 large tables. The students were going to be in 4 groups and the 4 tutoring students (yamomo,iida,baku,and deku) would help smaller groups and switch periodically. 

She had purposely chosen a seat at the table Bakugou would be teaching. Deciding that tonight she'd be brave and push some of his buttons and see where that led her this evening. 

She went back into the kitchen to grab the last of the snack trays. She thought she was alone in the kitchen when someone stood behind her and reached for a cup next to her head. She froze. A caramel smell enveloped her making her feel relaxed

"What are you so tense about, round face" 
His voice was low, and she could hear his smirk. He wasn't touching her but the warmth of his body and sweet scent seemed to thicken around her, and it held her in place. 

Just as quickly as it had arrived the smell of caramel disappeared. The hand had retreated with its cup, and by the time she turned around bakugou had already left the kitchen. She knew her heart was racing and her face was red. Doing her best to calm herself she walked out into the study group. 

The interaction with Bakugou in the kitchen had put Ochako slightly on edge. She couldn't stop herself from watching him as he walked around and helped people. She was hyper aware when he was behind her or helping one of the two people near her.

Though he never touched her himself. He had 'accidentally' brushed through her hair and against her shoulder with the coiled paper he had with him so he could hit kirishima kami or sero  when they asked stupid questions. It happened a couple times but there wasn't any pattern to it. 

She saw him texting a moment before her phone buzzed. She checked the messages. 

You'd be a lot better In these classes if you stopped staring at boys.

She flushed. He caught her a few times today. But she thought she had been being more subtle. 

Cute. Stop blushing and get back to studying. 

He was teasing her. But two could play that game. She slipped off her cardigan so he could see more of her skin in her tank top. He had just passed by kirishima and she saw his eyes darting over to her. 
She smiled to herself before stretching slowly and then Tying up her hair. she hiked up her shorts so more of her thighs were exposed. 

His nostrils flared slightly when he came to help Mina who was sitting next to her. When she saw him look down at her exposed thigh she slowly began running her nails lightly on the skin. His knuckles went white as he gripped the edge of the table and he moved away quickly. 

The next time he came around she had decided to drop the strap to her tank top and pretend to work out a small kink In her neck. When they made eye contact his eyes were molten. 

You're Not the only one who gets to tease, blasty. 

You're pretty good at it. But seriously. Do your work now. Plenty of opportunities to play later. 

She gave him a small smile and lifted her strap back up. It was pretty easy to catch back up with the rest of her group. The session continued uneventfully
Ochako walked up to her dorm room. She pulled out her pajamas and began to perform her assignment. 

After she finished she was covered in goosebumps. She had actually left so many parts of herself flushed. In areas where her body was soft there were small fingertip sized bruises. 

The marks were from when she had grabbed herself, realizing how much she liked the pressure where she squeezed. She had thought about how roughly Bakugou wanted to grab her. Just how aggressive would he be? His hands were massive, the skin calloused. And she imagined how wonderful that would feel against her own smooth skin.

She analyzed herself in the mirror. How complementary the small bruises and red marks were on her skin. She wanted to take a picture. She wrapped a towel around her and kneeled in front of the mirror.  Her thighs were completely exposed showing the small handprints on creamy skin. There were scratch marks above her breast where a lovely heat was starting to spread. 

Hesitating after taking the photo she wondered if she should send it to Bakugou and show him how her body looked after his assignment. It didn't take her long to decide and she sent it to him

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