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Grocery shopping rounds- done.
Vegetables- chopped.
Meat- sliced.
Drinks- chilling in the fridge.
Snacks- arranged neatly on the kitchen counter with their respective dips.
Oven- pre-heated.

Everything was set for the big day. Six of them were busy making preparations for all the activities they had planned. This included two meals lunch and dinner, snacks in between, drinks and selecting what to watch for movie marathon time.

Jin and Yoongi ended having a heated argument over the best popcorn flavors.

Butter, caramel and cheese made it to the finale.

But popular vote suggested that Yoongi's cheese flavored popcorn was indeed the clear cut winner, much to Jin's dismay.

It also turned out that Namjoon and Yoongi had actually bought a crate of banana milk. This led to another round of protests by Jungkook who ironically demanded to be treated as an adult with whines and pouty face.

Taehyung also had his fair share of disappointment when Namjoon bought him chocolate covered strawberries instead of the plain ones. The reason being there were no stems for him to check if the strawberry underneath was actually ripe enough to be consumed or not. Jimin had to promise him to get him some 'real strawberries' later on.

Namjoon seemed to be the only level headed person in the entire lot. Going back and forth between Yoongi and Jin who had suddenly decided on taunting and sassing each other every chance they got and Jungkook who was now hell bent on proving that he was in fact a full-fledged adult by flexing his muscles, talking about weather reports and whatever little news headlines he had come across, as if that is exactly what adulting is all about.

By the time lunch was done, Namjoon was done too. He sat himself down on the couch, his hand crossed over his chest and a big scowl gracing his face. He refused to do anything, even eat. Jin went over to him and pulled him into a guest bedroom. When they finally emerged after thirty minutes, Namjoon was a changed man. His seemed cheerful for someone who was scowling and frowning a little over an hour ago.

Lunch was set. Everyone gathered around the table and took their respective seats. Taehyung and Jimin sat side by side. Jungkook on Jimin's right side. Namjoon and Hoseok sat at the head chairs. Jin sat beside Namjoon and Yoongi beside Hoseok. To Namjoon's great relief, Jin and Yoongi left a seat between them as it was a 8- seater and they were only seven. But this did not stop them from bickering about trivial and sometimes non existent reasons like how the food had less salt, less spice, more spice, so hot, 'could have been better had I made it' and so forth.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were assigned dish washing duty. Jimin and Jungkook cleaned the dishes and Taehyung dried them using a rag. So there was an issue here too, because Taehyung refused to take dishes from Jungkook, making him even more pouty than he already was. So Jungkook had to pass the dishes he cleaned to Jimin, who in turn passed them to Tae with a sweet smile and a soft 'please'.

The worst assembly line ever.

After the general chaos of washing dishes, drying them, storing away the leftovers, cleaning the dining table, arranging the chairs back in its place and moping the floor because that one time Jin 'accidentally' spilled his drink on Yoongi, they all gathered around the flatscreen in the living room, exhausted.

Namjoon was happy for once that finally he could rest his tiring and aching body and snuggle closer to Jin and watch a movie.

But no.

In all the pandemonium than has been going on since the morning, apparently no one had decided on what to watch. Which led them here.

"Die hard series!", Jungkook screamed. "They have the best action and car chase scenes!"

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