13) Shape Shifting.

Start from the beginning

"We're allowed to our own reality, if we want it. Obviously you have to deal with the real reality at some point, but who says you can't lose yourself in overwhelming feelings and mind states that actually make you feel good?" I finished and Alex smiled.

"Your personal spot of light." Alex typed and I smiled.

"No one deserves to live in the darkness forever." I said.

"But happiness is like a giant cake. You can't have any if you're not fast enough to take your slice before the others do." I added and Alex started typing quickly again, then handed me the phone.

"Happiness doesn't have any limit, everyone has their slice." It read.

"Unless they're imagining it." I muttered and gave a humorless laugh. I was sick and tired of being told I'm imagining things, but I didn't want it to sound so snappy. I gave him back the phone and he continued typing. As he handed me the phone back, I read:

"If you're imagining, that's not where your happiness is. But you're going to find it, be patient."

I just hope he's right.

"So when is the dude going to get there?" Brian asked, a bit annoyed. I understood why, he wasn't one to open up easily and letting some stranger in wasn't exactly his jam. Indeed, he was unsure of my intentions.

I know he was doing his best to change for the better, as we all are, but some things just remain like a scar. you can't just brush them until they fade away.

"He said he'd be there in a few minutes- oh! There he is!" I said, noticing a pale, tall figure walking across the glade, towards us. I waved at him and he waved back as he noticed me. Alex looked up with curiosity and Brian just scoffed.

"Hey! Justin!" he walked toward us fast and gave a small, but forced, smile.

"Um hi." he waved awkwardly.

"Hey. Guys, this is Justin Nace. Justin, this is Alex." I introduced, pointing at Alex, who waved and smiled a little, shyly.

"And Brian." I now pointed at Brian, that just looked up and gave a slight nod as if to say hi. He didn't seem excited about meeting Justin, not even the slightest bit. I don't know why.

"Well hi guys... so what are you doing?" he asked. I motioned for him to sit down, patting the spot of grass opposite me and Alex, and he did.

"Not much, just thinking and talking." I replied.

"Oh, seems cool."

"Very." I replied, laying down to look at the blue sky. I loved watching the sky and the way the clouds moved in sync.

It's funny to think the clouds always create and dissipate in a while. they're just masses of either liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water after all, simple vapor basically. But we get to watch them every day and indulge in imagination noticing what form they turn and what they look like.

Plus, Isn't it amazing, how the sky can change its color? It's always the same sky, but it constantly changes. I guess the color of the sky is like a person's mood, except that everyone can see what graduation the sky turns, whilst not a lot of people notice how you actually feel.

As if it wasn't enough, there's the incredible appearance of the stars at night. You can't see them during the day but they're always there, never moving. How fascinating is it?

Some stars are cold enough for human's touch, and I've always wanted to touch a star. It would feel like pure bliss, I'm sure about it... I mean, touching something that has always been that far from us, up in the sky, it must be an experience with a certain impact.

I've always wanted to study either astronomy or photography - I was even part of the photography club at school, but quitted cause I couldn't get along with the other two members. As you can imagine, they were assholes, so I just decided to take photos by myself.

I wonder if the sky has limit. It shouldn't have, but how can we know that though? It's funny that no matter where we are, we all see the same sky. It's just the largest stretch of blue existing.

Thinking that it has no limit somewhat gives me hope. I feel less 'trapped' knowing that there's always something more. Imagination has no limit too, but I'm slowly learning how to distinguish it from reality.

For now, I believe what I believe, and I'm moving on that way for a reason.

This is not just all in your head.


A/N: I decided to update today because

1: 6 months of White Noise today

2: I'm ordering Paramore/Pvris/Tonight Alive merch these days so yay

Let me know what you think about the chapter! x

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