I told her of where Jane came from, causing Debby to immediately run to get Lee.

I took Jane over to our command center, which is like a bigger shack than the rest.

As we arrived to the front of the command building, Lee and a few others came out.

(Weiser): "Good mornin' sir, me and Splint spotted her from our look out position." I report to Lee.

(Lee): "Good work Weiser." He tells me before beginning to talk to Jane.

(Lee): "Here lets head inside."  He tells us as he begins to head inside the command center.

He goes over to what looks like small living room  with just a few chairs and a table in the middle.

He motions for us to sit before sitting down himself.

(Lee): Now then, what is your name miss."

(Jane): "My name is Jane Cassidy, sir" She answers back.

(Lee): "Nice to meet you Jane, we sure are glad we found you." He tells Jane in a tone of relief.

(Lee): "I was afraid there wouldn't be any survivors from Pine settlement. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there at Pine settlement?" He asked Jane in a serious tone.

Jane began to tell Lee what she told me, how they attacked with no mercy and destroyed everything.

Then she told Lee something she didn't tell me.

(Jane): "After they broke through, they started targeting everyone, breaking into each house, killing anyone in them. After they killed everyone that was in the militia, they started rounding up anyone they found hiding or escaping." She stated in a saddened tone.

Everyone in the room was listening with full attention.

(Jane): "I was trying to escape with nothing but a small bag of things, but they got to me before I could truly escape. After they rounded up everyone, they lined us up, slowly executing us one by one, but they stopped at me. What I think was their commander told them to leave me alive, that they needed a witness to tell of what happened to the Pine settlement."  She stated, on the brink of tears.

(Jane): "They didn't let me go just there...they hurt me real bad sir." She said with teary eyes and sorrow in her voice.

Lee assured her that she was safe here, and to continue when she was ready.

After about a min, Jane continued her accounts.

(Jane): "After they beat me, they gave me back my things and told me run out of there." She told us, catching Lee's attention.

(Jane): "I ran for I don't know how long, I didn't know if I could find any help at all, well until Weiser and his friend found me." She stated, with a look of thanks in her eyes.

Lee sighed after Jane finished her accounts of her escape from Pine settlement.

(Lee): "Those damn animals. Debby, show Jane here where the showers are, and get her some clean cloths and medical care." Lee ordered as he got up.

As we stood up, Lee asked to see Jane's bag.

She gave Lee her bag while Lee told her she would get it back after she gets cleaned up.

As Jane and Debby left the command center, Lee motioned for me to come over to him.

As I walked over to him, he began looking through the small bag.

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