The Secret of Answers 15

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We got some ice cream at the nearest store. It was cold enough to eat some ice cream, but who cares? My best friend was sad and I would do anything to make her feel better! After we found a bench to sit at a park, she continued to tell me everything.

"I really was in love with him. I'm so heart broken."

"I can understand..."

"Thank God I have my holiday soon so I'll fly to another country and just enjoy my holiday." She stopped for awhile. "I'll text him tonight and tell him also that I'll never pay him back. I'm not dumb. Making me sad is enough. He won't get any money from me. I didn't ask for it, he gave me. Voluntarily. He forgets who I am."

"Bish, you don't need to pretend that you're okay. You can cry as much as you want."

"Of course, I want to cry. But nothing comes out. I loved him dearly, but now I'm just in a total shock. He makes me so mad. What did that fcker even think? I can't believe I was dating an idiot!"

Now she's real mad. After a while she wanted us to go home.

It was a good walk. A light autumn breeze tousled my hair a little bit. I was glad we were finally walking towards my place.

"When will he call you?" She was holding my hand. It was cold.

"He said around 10pm there. So maybe, around 3pm in Germany. What time is it?"

"12:32." She looked at her phone. "Very cute. I'm so happy for you. I need to keep an update about both of you to distract me from this toxic anger."

"Anything to make you happy. But you also have to tell me if he texts you, okay?"

"I will."

Suga POV:

After some practice I went to take a shower. The shower water, hot and ample, came as a perfect rain, very soothing, as if I am within arms that flow and hug so gently. I somehow imagined y/n would hug me this warm.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept telling my feelings to calm down, but it wasn't that easy. I didn't think I would let her back to Germany if I met her here. That must be so hard for me.

As I walked out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel, Jin hyung was already done preparing dinner for us.

"Thank you, Hyung. You should tell me; I'll help you gladly."

"No need, it's fine. You can do the dishes later. Why don't you call the boys?"

I went up and tell them that the dinner was ready. As we went down, someone tapped my shoulder. It was Jungkook.

"Hyung, I want to ask you something. But later, after dinner."

"Sure, just come to my room."

As usual we always talked much when we were together. We talked about music, our day, food, anything. We also loved sharing ideas.

It was a very delightful dinner Jin has made. I was thinking about serving everyone dinner too this week. They have been very supportive. 

Later, we did the dishes while Jin kept sitting on a chair.

"Suga, after you called her, were you still dreaming of her?" He asked.

"Uhm, nope. Why?"

"I was just curious. So, this dream really had the intention to bring you to y/n. Or y/n to you. This really teaches you, or maybe some people out there, to remember that personality always matters more than looks." He kept talking while staring at the blank walls.

Sweet Dreams | Y/n x Min YoongiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz