"..Kevin" (Tony Stark x niece!R!)

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The party is raging upstairs. Or is it downstairs? I can't even tell anymore- all I keep feel is the buzz of the building and the music from the party. I'm pretty sure it's on the roof though.

My Uncle, Tony, threw another one of his business parties. It was usually to hang out with teammates and sometimes other businesses. I'm not allowed to go so I don't know exactly what goes down. Probably something freaky- especially when it's only the Avengers.

One time when they were having a get together on the roof, Thor shouted really loudly. I could hear him through two floors of the building (I was in the common area), yelling something about body shots. Maybe it's a good thing I don't attend. Alcohol is definitely involved in these events, that's for sure...

So now, here I sit on my bed, scrolling through my phone. It's getting closer to midnight and luckily the sound of the party is starting to fade. This is when the business people usually leave.

Now that it's quiet, I am actually able to sleep now. I reach over to my nightshade and turn off the lamp, then set my phone down after I plug it in.

I roll over to my side and pull the blanket on me, then drift off to a sleepless dream..


"Hehee.. Oops.. Sorry.." A gravelly voice says after bumping into the door.

I groan and sigh, pulling the blanket further up. I keep my eyes closed, assuming that I had dreamt that.


I jump and snap my eyes open, throwing the blanket off of me. I turn on the lamp and grab a book. I see the assailant and before I can fully realize who it was, I throw the book, hitting them in the head.

"Gghhh.. Ow, that huurrt." A familiar voice drawls out.

I look the figure up and down to see a dark haired man with scruff on his face.

"UNCLE TONY??!" I shout.

"Oh heyy.. Watcha doin in here?" He slurs, walking over to me.

"Uhm, this is my room.. And I was sleeping.." I say, looking at him as if he had three heads.

"Oh.. mkay. Why were you sleeping? It's time to partay!" He says, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I look over to the clock that sits on my nightside.

"Uncle Tony! It's after two in the morning! Go to bed!" I scoff.

"Noo." He frowns, looking at me.

"A-Are.. Are you drunk?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Nope." He immediately answers.

"How much did you have to drink?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Mmm.. Like this many?" He says, though it sounds like a question.

He holds up his hand and wiggles four of his fingers. That could've been four things of whiskey or four shots, I don't know.

I sigh and run a hand over my face. After rubbing my eyes, I look him over, taking in his appearance.

His tie is is loose and crooked, his suit jacket is missing, and his dark hair is sticking up in three places.

He looks like he's seen some shit.

I can't help but laugh at his appearance.

"What're ya laughing at, hm?" He asks, looking at me.

I chuckle and shake my head.

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