Doctor Sleep

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Summary: The reader has Pathokinesis- the power/ability to manipulate other's emotions (good or bad). The reader disappears at different times of the day at different weeks and the Avengers get curious as to where she goes.

Warning: Mention of death and hospitals- a lot of angst

Although I had been born with this ability, I never even used it until I was twelve. Hell, I didn't even realize that I was using my power in the first place. When I was twelve, my family and I got into a horrific car accident. My mom and I were alright, but my brother was in critical condition.

When he had arrived to the hospital, his heart rate was beating at an alarming rate. The doctors thought that the poor kid was going into cardiac arrest. But that's when you stepped in. Although you didn't know you had Pathokinesis, you knew that something was different about you.

The doctors tried to force you out of the room so they could try and save your brother, but it didn't work. You slid right past them, walked over to your unconscious brother and placed your hand on his forearm.

His heart rate slowed down to a normal pace and he started to sweat less. The doctors were amazed. Sure, there were stories about a mother's touch being naturally comforting, or a family member's presence releasing positive endorphins, but this was different. You literally saved him from going into cardiac arrest, just by looking at him and simply holding his hand.

They let you stay and they worked around you. Your brother ended up surviving with a concussion, two broken ribs, and a few minor injuries.

Your mom hadn't seen what happened but she believed the doctors when they overheard them talking about you. She was very supportive of your ability.

A year later you returned to that same hospital because a family member was on their deathbed. Your Grandmother had stage four cancer but she was pushing through. Eventually, her body couldn't take it anymore.

It was a sunny day in August when you and your family were going to visit. Somehow you just knew deep down that this was going to be your last visit with her.

The first thing you felt when walking into the room, was relief. Then it was sadness and even a bit a fear.

"Hi, Grammy." I say, sitting in a chair next to her.

She was managed to smile a bit and mumbled a "hello".

"Mom, Michael, and I are here to visit." I say, gesturing to our family.

Mom has tears in her eyes as she watches her mother lay on the bed. Michael sits down on the chair on the opposite side of Grammy's bed.

"Hi, my babies." She whispers.

"Hey, Gram." Michael says, his voice cracking.

The sadness and fear was coming from Grammy. It felt stronger the closer I got to her.

She was afraid to die.

"Mom, Michael, can I have a moment alone with Grammy?" I ask, looking at them.

They nod their heads and stand outside the doorway.

"Hey, Grammy. I love you. A lot." I whisper the last part as an attempt to keep my voice steady.

I'm trying not to cry because I need to be strong for her. I take a deep, shaky breath.

"Why are you scared?" I ask.

She looks at me, knowingly. Before she got sick I used to talk to her about my ability. She always listened to me and my troubles.

"I'd miss you guys. I don't know what waits for me, darling.." she mumbles, looking at me.

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