"So help me..!!!"

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Not today.

Today is Sunday. Sundays are supposed to be a day of relaxation- even the bible says so! It was eleven o clock when my day completely went to shit after the first person I saw, greeted me.

"Morning, Y/n. We're expected to be in the meeting room in ten. Fury called it." Steve says, walking by me.

"You've have got to be kidding me!!!" I shout, spinning to face him.

Without turning around he chuckles and continues walking away.

Begrudgingly, I make my way down to the third floor of the tower. I think I might cry.

Today was supposed to be a Netflix n' Chill day, eat some junk food... Hell, maybe I'd even get my nails painted or go to the mall. I was gonna go out with a friend for lunch as well. But not anymore. Thanks a lot, Fury.

I dramatically groan as I lower myself into a seat next to Natasha.

"Me too, Y/n.. Me too.." The assassin sighs, rubbing her temples.

She shared the same beliefs as me when it came to Sundays. It was literally the only day of the week that she wouldn't get up at the ass-crack of dawn.

Fury strolls into the room, slamming the door behind him. He walks over to the end of the table, a manila folder tucked under his armpit.

"Fury is this necessary?" I whine.

He looks over at me and gives me a death stare. Message received.

"Trust me, Agent Y/l/n, I wouldn't be around your stupid ass unless it was one hundred percent a necessity." He scoffs.

I wasn't exactly his favorite person so to speak.. I like to believe that we have a love-hate relationship.. But I think he just straight up hates me. 

"Ouch, that hurt." I gasp, clutching my chest.

"Just sit there and keep your mouth shut,
Y/n" He rolls his eyes.

Oooh, first name basis. I like it.  

To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure what the meeting was about. The only thing I did for the next five minutes was swivel side to side in my rolling chair. I close my eyes and sigh as I begin to tap my pencil on the table.

"Oh, I do apologize for boring you, Agent
Y/l/n. Do you have anything to add to this meeting? Unless you weren't paying attention." He states, squinting his one eye at me. 

"Nope. Just chilling... Kinda wanna leave." I exhale, stilling in my seat.

"Oh, go ahead. I dare you." He fumes, watching me. 

"Mkay, bye." I say, standing up from my seat and walking to the exit. 

I pause at the closed door when I hear his voice call out my name.

"So help me.. If you walk out of this room, you are no longer an Agent." He booms, watching me furiously. Heh furi... Fury, get it?

I press the automatic door opener, staring at him as I narrow my eyes. Everyone watches in amusement and some worriedly, curious as to what I'll choose to do. 

I take a step forward, mocking him. 

"Y/nnn.." He seethes, clenching his jaw as he raises his eyebrows. 

Doing the unexpected, I get down on all fours and curl my toes inwards, never taking my gaze away from his. I lean down and do a somersault through the doorway. 

Poorly stifled giggles and chuckles erupt around the room. Steve rolls his eyes, Natasha grins, and everyone else laughs. 

I turn around and face the team with a dopey grin. 

"Childish mothafuckas..." Fury mutters, rolling his eye. 

I make a run for it before he can get another word in as the laughs continue to ring out through the large hallway. 

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