Chapter 23: A Call To Arms

Start from the beginning

And this event is what led to what many could argue was the catalyst.

The argument between Wilbur and Techno was our fifth event, though many would claim it was the catalyst.

The argument sent Wilbur running into the arms of his nemesis for comfort. The argument that set the magpie avian on the path to becoming a fallen hero.

Had the argument never happened, Wilbur would have never become a villain. Plain as that. The argument was his low point, as all fallen heroes have a low point that causes them to flee into villainy. It's the moment where everything feels like it's crashing around you. A moment of adrenaline, emotion, and typically anger or depression.

But this was not the catalyst.

Oh, we'll get to the catalyst.

The argument, while important, did not set in motion the war to come. But it was one of the many dominos that sent Wilbur on the path of becoming a villain.

The sixth event was Wilbur discovering his mind control. His first willing murder.

This solidified that he could never go back. The guilt of committing a willing murder would haunt him if he tried to become a hero again. It was the moment he truly could never go back. It was a moment of instinctive protectiveness, and in the future, Wilbur would look back at the moment with something almost akin to fondness.

Quackity still has the knife that Wilbur used. He would later gift it to his songbird after making some slight adjustments to the blade.

The seventh event was, of course, when Wilbur decided that he truly wanted to become a villain.

After seeing how angry Quackity was with the conditions of his training, Wilbur came to the conclusion that he did, indeed, want to help the shrike avian. He wanted to be Quackity's partner, he wanted to be a villain. After spending three months in the casinos doing minor crimes with his now partner, he couldn't deny that he loved it. The adrenaline, the power, that feeling of control over his life. Spending time with Quackity, and committing crimes with the villain, had become something of his favorite activity.

He was ready to claim his spotlight.

The eighth event, was, obviously, Wilbur's villain debut.

This one, I believe, doesn't need to be explained.

The ninth event was The Villain's Summit.

Wilbur is a creature driven by spite and the drive to prove himself. Smile's challenge, because Wilbur viewed it as a challenge, changed the course of history. Had this event never happened, Wilbur would not have been as determined to become the number one villain. He had plans, yes. He had ideas. But he wouldn't have chased the ultimate crown of villainy had Smile not challenged his status as an actual villain.

Smile had been chasing the number one villain title for years. Ever since he became a villain.

And Wilbur resolved himself to steal the crown right from under the bastard's nose.

The tenth event most consider as the attack on the bridge.

Because that single attack had wiped out hundreds that had been crossing that bridge. Maybe even a thousand people. Bodies are still discovered and counted to this day in the harbor. Wilbur had proven that day, that entire week in fact, that he was a conductor of chaos. The magpie avian's wings carried with them the promise of anarchy and destruction.

It was the day Wilbur took Smile's place as the number two villain. Smile was knocked down to rank five for his lack of activity as Wilbur and Quackity claimed his spot on the rankings.

You Were Never Meant to be a Hero (Quackbur Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now