Chapter 22: Wilbur's Resolve

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You can only push a man so far before he snaps.

Wilbur considered his plan...simple in nature. Easier said than done type of deal. But still, simple.

It all started two days after The Villain's Summit, when Wilbur decided that he needed to do something that would leave no argument left for anyone to say that he wasn't a real villain. He needed to kill innocents. Directly be the reason for their death. He's killed civilians indirectly before, accidentally, collateral and such, but he's never directly killed an 'innocent'.

Course, Quackity has rubbed off on him in all the worst ways possible. Well, worst ways for society that is. Because he has absolutely no remorse as he traps multiple civilians inside a building rigged with explosives using his mind control.

They're part of the problem, after all. Quackity has always been right in saying that civilians are just as much to blame as the Hero Committee is. Because they allow that shit to happen right under their noses. They don't think for themselves, they blindly trust heroes to protect them.

This will send a message. He'll blow this building sky high with all of those 'innocent' people trapped inside. That'll shake society if nothing else will. They are not safe under the heroes' protection. They never were.

And they never will be so long as he's around.

He has Anarchy running a distraction further in the city, drawing as many heroes as possible away from his and Quackity's little project.

"You holding up alright, songbird?" Quackity asked, landing next to the fallen hero as he concentrated on maintaining the mind control.

"Yep," Wilbur grit out, trying to fight off the growing headache. "TNT rigged?"

"This building is going down hard," his partner laughed, handing him the detonator. "Have I mentioned that I'm really proud of you? Look how far you've come. I still remember when you were slinking around the casino like you were afraid someone would recognize you. Now look at you! Murdering your first batch of civilians!"

"How is it that I never realized how insane you are?" The magpie avian questioned.

"I have an appetite for destruction and live for chaos," the villain smirked. "So, ready to completely decimate whatever hope you had of becoming a hero again?"

Wilbur laughed despite the headache pounding in his skull, "Hell yeah. Let's do this shit."


The call caused both avians to stiffen, the fallen hero groaning mentally as he felt his headache pound worse. Techno was standing there on the other side of the roof, panting hard as he glanced between the two of them with barely concealed panic on his face.

"How the fuck did you even get up here?" Wilbur questioned, looking down at the building they were standing on. "Isn't this like three or four stories up?"

"Oh this ought to be good," Quackity snickered, latching onto the taller's arm with a grin. Though the hold carried the shrike avian's usual possessiveness.

"Possessive," the magpie avian teased.

"Bitch, don't pretend like you didn't just wrap your wing around me," his partner shot back.

"Anywho," the fallen hero grumbled, rolling his eyes as he turned to look at his twin. "Make this quick. I've got a massive fuck you headache and more plans to set in motion."

"Wilbur, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Techno questioned, glancing between the two villains as his hands jerked. "Wilbur, I get the whole villain thing. Believe me, I do. I understand you blowing up our old training centers, hell I even understand why you took Tommy. I was fine with all of that. That was your business, not mine. That was your revenge, and I understood that. But this is madness!"

You Were Never Meant to be a Hero (Quackbur Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now