Chapter 5: "I Think I Have Trust Issues Now," - Wilbur Minecraft

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Wilbur was eating breakfast with Tommy, Techno and Phil having already left to go on a mission together.

Something about Smile and Mr. President having some kind of alliance that they need to go bust up before it turns into something serious. From what Wilbur had heard, it was just a rumor that had been circulating. But you can never be too careful.

"So," Tommy said. "What's it like having a nemesis?"

Wilbur pauses in the process of taking a drink of his water. After finishing his drink, he sighs.

"It's... irritating at times," he admits.

"At times?" Tommy prompts.

"Well," Wilbur started. "Sometimes I'll be busy doing something important and then find out Ace is committing a potential murder a few blocks down. So I have to rush over there and stop him."

"And other times?" His little brother questions.

The magpie avian sighed, "Sometimes he does something stupid and I can laugh at it."

That got a small laugh out of the hero in training.

"I'll be honest with you Tommy," Wilbur said in a serious tone. "I think I have trust issues now."

"How did you manage that?" The youngest Minecraft brother asked.

"Well," the older said. "Every single time I get called out for a minor crime he's just... sitting there. Waiting for me. With that stupid poker grin of his."

"Poker grin?" Tommy asked.

"Like a poker face," Wilbur said. "But instead of hiding everything behind a blank expression, he hides it behind a smile. And it's the same damn smile, every single time."

"So every teenager who's actually depressed," the blond summarized. That one managed to get Wilbur to wheeze a little.

The raven avian gave him a look, "What? I'm not wrong! Your nemesis has some kinda weird TNT addiction going on, pretty sure he's got some issues up here."

His little brother knocked on the side of his head a few times to indicate his brain.

"Tommy, I don't need you to talk shit about my nemesis," Wilbur said with a chuckle.

Tommy crossed his arms, "I'll talk shit all I want."

But in all seriousness, Wilbur is pretty sure he's developed some trust issues now thanks to Ace. For multiple reasons.

It had been another nighttime patrol when Wilbur was notified of a small convenience store robbery going on five minutes away from his location. He arrived just in time to see the thief leave the store and then disappear down an alley.

Wilbur had given chase only to be jumped by Ace in the alley.

"Hey songbird," his nemesis purred, holding a knife to the hero's neck as the thief got away.

Ambush. Wilbur's mind, oh so helpfully, supplied.

"Glad to see you could make it," Ace said. "I was getting bored so I thought I'd check in and see how you're doing. Done anything interesting lately?"

"Disarmed a bomb recently," Wilbur snarked.

It was true, he had been placed on a mission with Techno that ended up with them fighting Bee and Blink. And by 'them fighting' he of course means 'Techno fighting' as he disarmed the nuke. Both villains got away, Blink's power made it nearly impossible to catch them. Wilbur didn't receive any credit, as usual.

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