chapter 3

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The car ride was long and, for most of the time, dead silent. At first, you cried and screamed to go home, to be taken back to the hospital, to see your friends, but he just ignored you. He didn't say a word.

The first person to speak was yourself, and it wasn't anything too glorious. "I have to pee."

Jack just grunted.

"I really have to go."

"Fine." He turned down a road, and, despite having past multiple gas stations, he did not stop at them. You wanted to ask why, but you choked. You couldn't speak.

Your eyes went wide.

You had an idea.


Finally, after an hour, he stopped at a small gas station. It was worn down from the weather, it's once white walls dripping with an unknown liquid. They had faded to a brown color. The roof was red, but the color had faded You could see some bird's nests resting underneath the edge of the roof. On top of the faded roof, was a wooden sign with the word "HANK'S" painted atop.

"I'm hungry," you muttered. Your throat was dry, so your voice came out sort of raspy. You cleared your throat.


"Hungry? I want food."

"Oh." You both were still sitting in the car, waiting to go out. "I don't have anything you can eat."

"I can pay for food inside." He turned in his seat, staring at you intently. You immediately looked down. You couldn't look him in his face.  Every time this horrifying man looked at you, you could feel the hair on your body rise.

"Okay." Jack opened his car door and hopped out, opening yours and asking you to do the same. You did.

Your body was now flowing with adrenaline. Your heart was pumping so fast you thought you very well could die.

As you both entered, you could see this man that had taken you follow you to the bathroom. You went in.

Then he did too.

He stood in front of the stall as you peed, waiting patiently.

You felt pure fear as you shakily took your pen and wallet out of your pocket. You hoped the sound of you peeing was enough to block out the noises of you moving.

Your flow of pee stopped, and you could hear the man on the other side of the door shake the door. "Get out."

"I-I think I have to poop too."

"Ugh. Fine."

You quickly pulled a one out of your pocket and scribbled "call 911. sos" on the dollar. Your handwriting looked so odd from your shaky hands. You slipped the one into your wallet and your pen back in your pocket.

"I guess I can't. I'm done."

You quickly flushed the toilet and shuffled out of the bathroom, the towering figure following behind you.

You mindlessly grabbed a bag of donuts and rushed over to the register. The entire time, your kidnapper kept his head low and hood up.

"Will this be all?"

You groaned.

"Can I have a pack of Malboros? The red pack."

"Can I see some I.D?" The cashier sounded nervous, and you realized it was likely because of your bloody clothes.

You quickly opened your wallet, you hands fumbling and causing you to almost drop it. You pulled out your ID, showed it to her, and put it back in.


"Your Eyes." {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now