Imagine me

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As he left the club, I turned back to my friends and pouted.

"What's up Minie?" Hummed Tae, taking a final swig of his beer. I sighed dramatically and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"He left and I didn't even get his number."

"Wow, really? He must be crazy then. Look at you. If I didn't already have a boyfriend, you would be in big trouble," he said with a cheeky wink.

Tae had been my best friend since high school, and he always knew how to make me feel better. His ridiculous attempt at making me laugh worked, as I giggled and playfully slapped his chest; "Stooop, you're so embarrassing."

He shrugged his shoulders and looked up to find his boyfriend Yoongi, or Grandpa as I like to call him. "Hey babe! You want another drink?" Tae called out.

Yoongi was sitting quietly at one of the booths talking to Jin and Hobi, before he turned his head and nodded, pointing at the other two as well.

"3 beers?"

Yoongi smiled his signature gummy smile and nodded.

"Want anything Minie?" Tae asked, rubbing my hand gently.

"Anything. I just want to forget all about tonight," I said pouting more.

He straightened his mouth and gave a sympathetic look before walking off in the direction of the bar.

What's wrong with me? Am I not attractive enough for him or something?

When Tae returned, he had managed to balance all the glasses in his arms without breaking them. "Wow, look at you. Who needs a man when I have such a talented best friend to keep me entertained?"

He laughed and passed me a Malibu Splice. "It's a double."

I took a long swig and allowed it to mellow my mind. "Thanks Tae. I owe you one."

He smiled his warm boxy smile and proceeded to the table where his boyfriend was patiently waiting with heart-shaped eyes.

I watched as he sat down and Yoongi leaned across to kiss him tenderly on the lips; a faint pink blush covering both their cheeks.

Ahh, that's why I need a man...

I looked at my drink sadly and swirled the liquid around before downing it in 3 quick gulps. Woah, that is strong. I smacked the glass down on the table and started collecting my things.

"Hey, I-I'm gonna head h-home," I hiccupped, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Need a lift?" Tae asked while the others looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"Nah, nah. You enjoy yourself. Later-r." I turned and swiftly exited the club, stumbling over my own feet before hailing a taxi.

By the time I made it home, I was definitely feeling the full effects of my last drink; dizziness and a faint wave of nausea hitting me with every movement. Dammit. Why do I do this to myself?

I drunkenly thanked the taxi driver, as I paid. Then I slid out; barely keeping my own body weight upright.

I managed to make it to the front door with only a couple of near-miss faceplants, before fumbling it open and removing my shoes. But when I turned around I groaned. Aggh, bloody stairs. I shakingly made the long trek up the stairs to my bedroom and when I made it to the top, I flung the door open and dragged myself to bed, before promptly passing out on it.

When I woke up in the morning, my head was splitting. Fuck. I blinked my eyes open and the sunlight streaming in the window started burning into my retinas. Uggh. My shit life just got even shittier.

I felt around for my phone and realised I had never undressed from the night before. My tight jeans now felt like a tourniquet around my legs and my morning wood was squished painfully in my waistband.

I unzipped my pants and felt instant relief, as my cock stretched out into the available space. That's better. I slipped my shirt off and threw it across the room at the laundry basket, before ripping my jeans off and repeating the same.

As I lay back, I closed my eyes again and imagined his face. His innocent doe eyes looking back at me, as he bit at his lower lip; teasing the ring that adorned the right side of his mouth.

Fuck, I want him.

It had been over two months since I caught my first glimpse of him. He had entered the club alone and approached the bar, before ordering a drink and nervously looking around the room. I had hoped he would look in my direction but he never did. So I just watched him from afar; studying his perfect features.

After that night, I spent every weekend searching for him in the crowd. Just waiting for a chance to approach him.

But he didn't make it easy.

Due to his shy nature, he would avoid looking around too much, and if anyone did try to make an advance on him he would politely decline.

The worst part was he only stayed for an hour then he'd leave, and I'd have to wait another whole week to see him again. It was excruciating. I just wanted to talk to him...and maybe do some other things.

I felt my stiff straining against my briefs and groaned. Fuck it. There's no one else here to help me. I cupped my hand over the top of my bulge and squeezed, enjoying the much-needed tension, before slipping my hand underneath and pulling it out.

When I looked down, it was angry.

Veins were protruding in all directions and the tip was beginning to turn purple from all the built-up blood.

I lifted my hand and licked a long streak of salvia onto my palm, before placing it around my hard shaft. I started from the base and slowly moved my way up, feeling a warmth grow in my abdomen. Fuck, that's good.

As I reached my tip, I teased my slit with the pad of my thumb; imagining it was his tongue tasting me. I groaned.

I lowered my hand and pictured his perfect lips wrapped around my length; his throat closing in and around it. Mmmm, that's it.

The warmth continued to spread, as I began to increase the speed of my strokes; causing my toes to curl.

Precum started flowing freely from my tip and I clenched my eyes shut; imagining his salvia dripping down his jaw and neck while he bobbed. Shit. Keep going.

I continued for a few more minutes at the same vigorous pace until I felt my orgasm approaching. I rocked my cock in my hand and let out a frustrated growl. Fuck. The things I'm going to do to you.

Sweat was dripping down my neck, as my heart thumped in my chest. Almost...there.

I started to peak, as I envisioned deepthroating him; desperate moans escaping, as his eyes teared up and rolled into the back of his head.

Then it hit me like a truck.

A loud, guttural groan echoed in the room, as thick, white cum spurted across my chest and face; some landing on the edge of my mouth.

My hips jerked sporadically, as I continued milking my orgasm; feeling wave, after wave of euphoria. Then it slowly wound down and came to an end.

All the built-up tension from last night had left my body and my breathing returned back to normal.

I felt the silky substance on my lip and poked my tongue out of my mouth; tasting the salty residue. Soon, it'll all be for you baby boy. Every last drop.

A/N: Well well well. Looks like we have a classic game of cat and mouse on our hands. Who's ready to play? 😏

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