Part 58

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Irene pov;

Now me and Julian are inside the room watching for my dad. We both sit there not saying anything at first until I ask him " what are you even doing here? ".

He sigh " I just want to see your dad's condition and you. To make sure whether you're alright ".

I still keep on staring at my dad lifelessly " why would you care? You should've just stay there " I say to him coldly.

" I will come back later. For now I just want to stay by your side " he say.

I look at him coldly " just go now. I don't need anyone for now. I admit I did just now but now I'm alright. Just go I will do well by myself ".

He sigh roughly " I will later. Now I still have time. I got my time limit so I need to finish my limited time ". I sigh and look at my dad after.


Julian pov;

It's been few minutes we've been sitting down staring at Irene's dad waiting for him to wake up. That's when I saw Irene sleep on the chair and her head keeps falling down but she always try to straighten up herself to sleep so I stood up and approach her.

I carry her slowly in bridal style not wanting to wake her up. I put her on the sofa and close herself with a blanket. The police then appear infront of the door. I knew it's already my time limit. I ask them to wait for a moment.

I kiss her forehead and whisper " I love you " before I go. I walk out of the room with the polices guarding me and lead me.


Irene pov;

I felt Julian carried me and lay me on the sofa. I felt his lips on my forehead and I heard he say ' I love you ' before he go. I open my eyes slowly having mix feelings inside but at the same time I hate him for what he had done.

I proceed on sleeping after waiting for my dad to wake up. Please dad, wake up I need you.


One month later,

Julian pov;

Now I'm already out of the prison. As I step out of the prison I take a deep breath feeling the air outside. It's been a long time I didn't step a foot outside even though I did last month when I visited Irene and her dad.

My loyal secretary appear infront of me and bow. I ask him " did you found? "

He nodded and bow slightly at me again. I nodded " bring me there ". My secretary then gesture his hand to signal me to enter the car. So I enter the car and we drove off to my destination.

After we arrive, we park at the outside cafe. I look inside and saw Irene is working diligently. As always she's working diligently. I wore my outfit everything black with a black cap and black mask.

(Julian's outfit)

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(Julian's outfit)

I enter the cafe and I'm at the counter. Irene who is working alone making the drinks and take people's orders. That sight quite hurt me how can there's no any workers around to help her. How can she work alone handling all this by herself.

She's at the counter waiting for me to take my order. Luckily, there's no many customers around so I purposely took my time. She look at me with her sparkling doe eyes and ask softly " what is your order sir? ".

I stare at her for a moment lost in her eyes for awhile and snap out of reality when she call me endlessly " sir? "

I take a deep breath and ask her " what is the best drink here? Recommend me and I will take the best ".

She look space out for a moment confuse at the same time and let out a little chuckle " in my opinion the best drink would be cookies and cream milkshake ".

I got lost in her eyes again so I stare at her again. She look at me with confuse doe eyes " so would you take that? "

I shake my head slightly to snap out of the reality. I nodded and point to a cake " I will take this tiramisu cake too ".

She nodded and told me the price so I pay her more. " Don't need to give me a balance just keep that balance " I say and walk away. She look at me confuse trying to stop me to give the balance but I walk away so she had to keep it.

I sit at the top so it's easier for me to look at her from the top floor. I keep watching her making the drink along. That quite makes me mad because how can the workers just left her handling things along.

She put my orders on the tray and bring it upstairs to serve it to me. She put the drink and the cake on my table and I just keep staring at her. She try to maintain cool because I know how awkward she feels when I keep staring at her.

All day I just sit there drink slowly and finish the cake slowly purposely taking my time so I can hangout at there for a little longer. I just want to spend my time looking at her admiring her lovely smile everytime she greet the customer before taking order.


Irene pov;

While I keep making drinks for the customers, my worker approach me and say " hey did you notice that the man in all black outfit been here for such a long time? It's been 5 hours he's here staring here like he's watching a 5 hour movie ".

I look up at the direction where the man is sitting. I respond " really? Maybe he just want to sit and relax here ".

She look up again " it is but is he not bored at all? Because he didn't even see his phone nor check his phone. His eyes keep stare straight here as if he's staring at you. Because I notice his eyes follows where you go ".

I feel weird but I try to be positive " maybe he's just space out ".

She slap my arm " why are you so dumb? Imagine that man is a scary stalker don't be such a positive freak. Be negative for once so you can be careful ".

I sigh and look at her " okay I will now get back to work first don't waste your time gossiping about customers now or else he will notice because you keep look at him ".

She pout " okay I'm sorry " she say and walk away proceed on doing her work. I slowly and careful to take a look at the direction the man is sitting. Everytime I look at him, he would immediately look away as if he don't want to get caught for staring but it's obvious.

Maybe my coworker is right I need to be careful especially this kind of world now.

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