Part 50

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Irene pov;

I look at him while my whole body is totally shaking. I gulp knowing that Julian would do something to me but I try to remain calm think a positive way as much as possible.

He smirk " you think I can't even see in your eyes. What you feel I could feel it from you eyes. I can sense calm, fear and anger. I know when you're scared to near ".

My breathing is getting heavy " please. Whatever you think of just don't do anything to me " I say while my hands reach for the bracelet in my pocket to click onto the emergency button.

He scoffed " I won't if you won't run away from me ".

I gulp " I won't if you won't do anything that I dislike ".

Julian bite his lips " okay I won't but calm down I won't bite you ".

I shake my head " please don't near me I need space "

He sigh " this is why I hate it when you remember everything ".

I scoffed speechless " is that why you keep giving me to eat the pills to make me forget the past memories? " I ask while my tears fill my eyes.

He look down as if he's guilty " I don't have any choice it's just that I want both of us love each other ".

I yell and start to tear up " it's your fault! Your fault that I can't love you. You know I love you before but you ignore me. You didn't even see my efforts before how can I even love you back now when my feelings for you are totally gone! "

He just stare for a moment not saying anything back. " Now you love me and you easily take advantage of me like this. Think how hard is it for me to make you love me before. The efforts that I prepare you a breakfast, making you a luncbox and cook for you a dinner. But what did you do! You walk away not wanting to take my breakfast. You gave the luncbox to others or you threw it. The dinner you didn't even bother to look. How can you expect me to love you back after you had ignore all the efforts I've done for you?! ". I yell at him while sobbing hard.

I wipe my tears " it's not like you can fix everything easily. You should feel how it feels when your efforts are not appreciated. When I'm with Charlie, the efforts I make for him he respond it. He act more like a husband than you even though we are not married yet. At least I feel appreciated when I'm with Charlie ".

Julian just look down still not dare to say anything. I sniffles " please. Whatever you do I can't love you because my heart is only for Charlie. My loves for you are long gone. It makes me realize how can I love you even after what you did. If you had at least appreciate me for once before, you might have a chance to fix but you should know everything is useless because of you ".

After I've said what I needed to say, walk out of the room while sobbing hard. I wipe my tears still walk away not looking back at all. I walk out of the house walk towards the gate and saw Charlie's car is already outside. I enter the car and look at the house for one last time.

We drove off to Charlie's house. I feel relief telling him what I felt all these time but at the same time, my heart feels strangely heavy.


Julian pov;

After listen to every Irene's words. It hit right on the spot. My heart shattered to million pieces. I feel like the glass is broken endlessly. Feels like the blood flow through around my heart leaving my heart bleeding. I could feel the pain of her in my heart.

I've realized how a bad husband I was to her. I realized that I didn't even appreciate nor see her efforts for me. Instead, I left her hanging. She's right, how can I even easily want to have her in a wrong way. I should give my best efforts like she do even though it's hard for her to accept me.

I start to tear up. I cry so hard. The feelings that I never felt before, Irene makes me feel it. The last time I cried was when my mother passed away when I was 6 years old.

That was the time I don't even want to shed tears anymore. That's the last time I don't even want to have any heartbroken or tears falling because of loving someone so much. That is why I'm such a jerk before.

But now Irene taught me love, feelings, emotions, heartbroken, happiness in relationship, she taught me everything. She makes me feel the things that I never felt before. I thought I never want to feel any emotions such as love because it hurts. But now I feel it, maybe it's my karma to feel the exact same thing as Irene.

My mother the woman I love, the first woman who makes me feel variety of emotions but when she's gone I feel like my heart is empty. Now, Irene who makes me feel emotions again left me hanging. But Irene impact is big, the emotions still stay. My mom, my emotions gone when she's gone.

Flashback to Julian and his mom.

Julian's mom touch Julian's heart. " Your heart is beating so fast there hmm? " She say while touch Julian's heart beating.

Julian smile cutely " really? Why is it beating ".

Julian's mom gently poke Julian's heart " because your heart is feeling some emotions "

Julian look at his mom with a questionable face. She scoffed " one day when you saw someone and feel butterflies in your heart, when you heart is flutters and beat so fast that's mean you are in love with that person ".

Julian tilt his head slightly " love? " He say cutely.

Julian's mom chuckle " you will know what I mean. If you feel those emotions to that only one person, be sure to put your best efforts to have her to be your forever love " she say while smiling at Julian.

Julian nodded excitedly " like mom and dad? "

Julian's mom chuckle and smile sweetly to Julian and nodded " yes honey ".

They both then hug each other tightly.

End of flashback.

I stand up from the bed and walk out of the room to search for Irene but then my secretary stop me. I try to shove him away to not block my way but he stop me " I have gather some informations about Charlie ".

I look at him with a questionable face.

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