Part 28

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Julian pov;

After the meeting is finish we send off the clients. The client then open his window and wish us " may God bless your marriage into a happy life " while laughing. The car drove off but he's still peek his head out to wave at us while smiling happily.

I smile at him but I could see Irene just gave a fake smile. She glare at me and walk away but I stop her. " Hey our car is here where are you going? ".

She shove my hand away harshly " do you like to tease me like that? Especially when you tell him that we both are husband and wife? "

I chuckled " but isn't that true after all? ".

She look at me with an annoyed face " what do you mean? We both are already divorce long ago ".

I scoffed " well you will know what I mean someday " I bow slightly at her.

She then walk away trying to find another transportation. I just ignore her and enter the car. We drove off back to the company. I saw her from the window looking at her and so does she but she roll her eyes at me cause me to smirk.

When I'm already arrive at the building I exit the car. Charlie came to me and ask me " where's Irene? I thought she's with you ".

I wanted to say something but coincidentally Irene appear exit from the car. Charlie gave me a glare and approach Irene. He held her a cheeks " are you okay? " He ask her gently.

I glare at them and walk away not wanting to see them being lovey-dovey again.


Irene pov;

Me and Charlie now are hanging out at the cafe inside the building. Charlie ask me " how did you ended up riding another car? ".

I answer " it's just that when we meet our clients he's joking saying that we are husband and wife just because the clients say that we look like husband and wife " while my face look annoyed.

Charlie exhale his breath roughly " that guy is being annoyed day by day huh ".

I nodded " that's why I don't even want to be in the same car with him anymore so I use another transport instead. I can't stand him for being annoying ".

Charlie held my hand " that's good for you. It's better to just avoid him ". I nodded and smile while take a sip of my drink.


Julian pov;

While I do my work typing things on the computer, my secretary enter my office room. I still proceed on doing my work to wait for him to talk.

" Sir " he call me. I look at him and roll my sleeve to listen to his informations he want to inform.

I signal him to talk so he say " this company will held a dinner party next week Friday ".

I look at him with interest " dinner party? For what? ".

" It's a must for the company. Every year they will held a dinner party once a year for everyone who work here ". I nodded understood until there's something popped in my mind. I got an idea and I smirk evilly to think of the plan I will do on that day.

(Skip to the next week Friday)

Irene pov;

It's the day of the dinner party. I prepare myself for the dinner party. I hire people to makeover me because I'm not that good in make-up. I feel nervous but at the same time I feel excited for this.

Someone knock the room and enter. " Mr Charlie had send you a dress for you to wear for the dinner ". I smile at her and nodded ask her to enter to give the dress to me.

She open the door widely asking the helpers to put the dress in the room. I'm shock by the dress. It's so stunning and beautiful. I look at the dress in awe. Never knew Charlie know what kind of dress is my type of dress. He really knew so much about me.

I try on the dress and I feel more in awe because I fit into this dress. The helpers stunned too " wow you really look so beautiful seriously this dress are meant for you " they say and close their mouth with their hands.

I smile at them feeling touched that Charlie bought me such a stunning dress ever.


Julian pov;

I'm in the dinner hall waiting for Irene to come but I didn't even see her since I came here. I keep searching for her but suddenly the girl I fuck that day come to me and appear infront of me.

She's wearing such a revealing dress trying to make me turn on but I act like I'm turn on but actually I didn't. I flirt with her and we both hanging out casually in our own world only.

Suddenly, everyone start to stunned and look at the hall's door. I look along to see who are they looking at. It's Irene.

I stunned along too because of how stunning, beautiful and attractive she is. I didn't even blink my eyes so I keep stare at her. The girl then say " wow she's beautiful like an angel isn't she? " and look at me.

I just nodded and smile at her while my mouth are wide open stunned by visual. I could sense the girl glare at me but I didn't bother cause I just keep on focus to Irene.

(The dress Irene wore)

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(The dress Irene wore)

I wanted to approach her, I just walk one step but stop after seeing Charlie appear putting his arm around Irene's waist. They both look at each other smiling and walk away to their table.

This man really do interrupting me a lot everytime I want to approach Irene.

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