Part 17

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Irene pov;

After 2 days in the hospital we are finally home. Charlie go to work as usual because as the boss and not manager anymore he had to manage some things at the cafe.

I'm on the sofa watching TV while holding onto Giselle in my arm. Until I saw a news of Julian and Gianna. They both together are in the TV along with my stepmom.

They talk about how their business family is and so on. I could see Gianna keep trying to seduce Julian but Julian look like as if he's trying to held it in.

I don't know why that scene kinda hurt me but I try to think as if we are nothing anymore. I look at the TV and look at Giselle.

I mumbled to myself " I won't forgive them. Never. I will protect you from them ". While holding onto Giselle. I change the channel not wanting to watch the news about them anymore. It's useless.


Julian pov;

We are now at home. I'm in my office room and Gianna enter the room with her arms cross and look at me with a serious mean face.

I look at her annoyed " what do you want? "

Gianna whining " you really ignore me back there? When I being flirty you didn't even notice ".

I exhale my breath roughly " we are in TV and everyone is watching including my dad and your dad. How can I possibly notice you flirting there ".

" So you didn't love me anymore and didn't care about me? " She ask with a mean face that quite annoyed me so much.

I threw my necktie harshly " shut the fuck up since when did I love you? I never once love you at all "

Gianna scoffed " so all these time your treatment towards me what does that mean? "

" It's all fake. I only want you to satisfy my sex hunger I didn't see you as anything more " I said to her while approaching her with my body language looking angry.

" How dare you " she raise her hand to slap me but I stop her hand immediately and push her on the floor.

" Do you really think I'm serious to have you in my life? No. You want me to satisfy you so I did. I only use you for sex so stop expecting much from me " I said while my finger push her head slightly.

" You trick me all this time. I thought you love me " she say while sobbing.

I laugh sarcastically " do you really think a fuckboy like me would love someone like you? No, don't hope for that. It's not like I ever see you as my fucking wife ".

" You're a jerk " she said to me with an angry expression.

I scoffed " so you've just realize that? If you do get away from me if you don't want your life to be miserable. You can choose to live or stay with me but stay with me your whole life will be a torture. I can torture you like how we both did to Irene before but you will feel more worst than Irene did ".

She just look at me with tears fill her eyes. I say to her " pack your things and go you annoyed me. I don't need you anymore because other girls feels more yummy than you ". I walk away left my office.

I heard she scream letting her frustration go. I just roll my eyes and walk into my room. I lay myself down on the bed feeling relieve that I finally get her out from my life.

I stare at the ceiling suddenly wondering what is Irene doing right now. I think about it with many millions thoughts in my head and there I ended up sleeping.

The next morning I'm in the office I ask my driver " so is there any new news about Irene? "

My driver shake his head " no sir not yet ".

I slam the files " why it took you a long time to search for her huh?! Did you even do your job properly?! " I yell at him.

" It seems like she really hid well this time. There's no any trace of her anymore so it's hard to know where is she going to this time. All I could say is maybe she's already out of the country because I search for her in this whole New Zealand but the result is nothing " my driver said.

I stand while my hand are on the sofa feeling speechless. Who the hell bring her so far that even her trace can't be found. I feel so frustrated. Babygirl, where are you? Why are you so far?

Suddenly, I get a call from my father. I pick up the call " hello son, where are you we are already arrive here. We're back " my dad say.

Shit how can I explain this. Irene's father is already back with my dad. What kind of excuses should I make this time? I feel so fucked up. I don't even know what to do.

I feel so panic while thinking of what excuses should I make? I already warn Gianna not to say anything and so do her mother so there's no problem but the problem is I need to explain something and came up with any excuses but my head is blank.

" Agh fuck this " I mumbled to myself and exit my office room.

Now I'm already arrive home. I enter the house and saw they are already waiting at the living room. I just give my awkward smile and I hug them.

Gianna and her stepmom arrive too. They both ran while their face look nervous. Irene's father then ask " so where's my lovely girl Irene? ".

I knew he would ask that so I take a deep breath and answer " oh sorry to say this but she ask me to inform you when you're back home. She say that she will work at London. She's been scouted there to work. She's not sure how long she will be there either ".

" What? " Irene's dad answer with his face serious.

Gianna then butt in " don't worry dad she just want to have experience while traveling along too. That's why she agree to transfer there for awhile but not sure how long. Just let her have her chance " she say while looking at me nervously too. Never knew she would play along with the lie.

Irene's dad then nodded " it's okay I miss her but she's not here so what can I do " he say while laughing. We all laugh along too but nervous laugh of course.

I spare a glance at Gianna and she look at me giving me her smile as if she's proud that she save me from the crisis.

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