Chapter 2 - Astor

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"She's alive." The words were out of my mouth as soon as she had shut her bedroom door. I spun around to look at my parents in disbelief. "How?" I growled.

"We know exactly as much as you do." My Mom stepped forward and took my hand. "But this is a good thing."

"I don't understand." I turned to look back at her door, wondering what she was doing, and what had made her so nervous. Did she know who I was? Did she sense what we were to each other? I took a deep breath, inhaling her lingering scent, the warm honeyed smell calmed my racing mind. "You and I both heard the prophecy, were there with me with the Oracle and saw the vision. You heard V say she was going to kill her, you were there when she ordered her men to do as such. I felt the pain, I know she died." And yet here she was. Just behind that door. I could touch her if I wanted, although apparently she wasn't a fan of touching.

"You felt pain the physical pain of grief, at the thought of losing your mate. But it was clearly a rouse. She's right here and very much alive. This is a good thing." Mum repeated, rubbing her thumbs into my palms, soothingly. "You've met your mate."

Her words echoed in my mind. My mate. I had lost all hope. I thought she was gone. But here she was. All five feet of her. Tiny and delicate. Her bleached hair cut in a choppy bob that barely touched her shoulders. Her eyes were green, jade, but haunted with black smudges underneath from a lack of sleep. She was pixie-like and cute as a button. And she was right through that door, mere metres from me.

"Yes, but you need to be careful son." Dad wheeled in my suitcases and surveyed the flat, lingering on her door. "She is very obviously human. A fragile, vulnerable human."

"What should I do?"

"Take the week. Get to know her. Find out what she knows. Then we can discuss next steps. If she already knows about our world then that's fine, other wise, she's clearly...delicate, we need to be careful with how we break it to her."

"Really Dad, 'cause I was just going to go up to her as soon as you left and blurt out that I'm the Prince of Wolves and she's my soulmate."

"Don't get snippy with me. You asked what you should do and I told you." I bowed my head and apologised. This was not how I saw today going and my wolf was on edge, eager to be near their mate and not understanding why she wasn't already in our arms. "Let's just carry one as normal. Unpack your stuff so we don't concern her." And with that he left to go get the rest of my things.

"I guess we know what drew you to the UK now," Mum said, smiling at Arianne's closed door, "It was fate."

As my parents helped me move everything in, she didn't leave her room and it made my wolf antsy. After some tearful hugs from my Mum and firm handshake and words of wisdom from my Dad, they left, and it was only then that she finally emerged from her room and headed to the kitchen. I took this as the perfect opportunity to put away the groceries I'd brought. The other roommates still hadn't returned, so I had some time alone with her.

"I'm not much of a slob but I'll try and be extra clean for you." I said, trying to figure out how to organise my food in the fridge. If she was a germaphobe, then I would do everything I could to ease her discomfort.

She stared at me blankly for a moment before replying, "Oh, that's okay. It's more of a personal hygiene thing, I don't like touching people."

I immediately stilled and a small "Oh," escaped my lips and I tried to process that information. Touch was important to wolves. It was how we showed loved, how we gave comfort, reassurance. It was integral to our very being to be able to touch one another, especially our mates. And to now be told that our mate did not want our touch. I understood that there must be a deeper meaning behind this but my wolf was restless, anxious to claim her. "Then I'll stay out of your personal bubble." I forced myself to say, and she smiled up at me. And it was all worth it for that smile.

She turned away from me, reaching up onto her tiptoes to the top shelf of her cupboard for tea. On instinct, I reached over to help her. Our fingers brushed as I reached over and the universe stopped, as everything fell into place. She snatched her hand back as if burned but it was too late, I felt it, the mate bond snapped into place. She was mine. We were connect now and forever.

And then I heard it, the murmur of a thought that was not mine. Touch me again. But I also felt as she threw that thought away as quickly as it has surfaced. I saw the tendrils of darkness enter her mind, bringing with them fear and anxiety and reminding her not to trust me. At the root of that darkness there was a memory shrouded in pain. That memory of the hurt she had suffered is what had her taking a step back. It also had my wolf growling in my own mind, desperate to know who had hurt her so we could bring them to justice. I was angry too, but I just wanted to reach for her, comfort her with my touch. But I refrained. I let her take as much space as she needed.

I opened my mouth to apologise for touching her and making her uncomfortable but the door flew open and with it, the scent of another wolf.

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