Chapter 03: No longer jobless

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"Well she is doing an AMAZING job, this place is absolutely stunning." I said as I admired all the trees and plant life.

"I am sure she will be happy to hear that, well come and we will show you what you will be do-" Selen began only to be interrupted by a bolt of red lightning spark around at the area ahead.

"Not again." Elira said.

"What was that?" I questioned.

However I didn't get a response, we only ran towards the commotion.

We then arrived at a fenced pit, below was a beautiful oasis like habitat complete with natural stones, a fairly large pond, sandy areas, and a cave were the dragon can sleep, however inside the pit was a weird looking dragon, it didn't have any wings, or fins, it has large boney jaw and shoulders, it has a massive tail, claws and 2 horns, it also sparked red electricity all over its body.

We then arrived at a fenced pit, below was a beautiful oasis like habitat complete with natural stones, a fairly large pond, sandy areas, and a cave were the dragon can sleep, however inside the pit was a weird looking dragon, it didn't have any w...

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"Come now, we are not here to hurt you, your mate, or your children, we only wanna make sure you all are safe." A woman in a lab coat said as she slowly walked towards the beast who now I only noticed was defending a dragon of the same species along with a baby one.

However the dragon didn't listen as it fired a bolt of red electricity towards the female, it was a good thing that she was pushed out of the way by another person.

"Mrs. Simone! Are you ok!?" Elira called out as we jumped into the pit.

"Yes I am fine... -sigh- It has been almost a month... but he refuses to cooperate." The woman said as she looked at the dragon.

"What are they?" I asked.

"The one inside is called a Zynogre, and the one defending the entrance is a rarer variant called a Stygian Zynogre, they belong to a collective species of dragons called Lupus Draconis, or in simple terms a race of wolf-like dragons, we found these 4 a month ago, the parents were hurt badly, and the cubs were starving, we brought them here... but so far they have refused any form of medication or food from us... at this rate they will die." Selen said.

I then looked towards the dragons and saw the Stygian growling at us, while inside the female was huddled with her pups, scared at what is happening.

I then walked forward towards the dragons.

"LUNE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Elira screamed, she tried to run after me but didn't wanna agitate the dragon further.

As I walked I transformed my arms into my werewolf arm.

"I am partially like you... so calm yourself." I said.

I was then about 2 feet away from the dragon, I could sense his anger, and his confusion, and his hatred.

"Hey Mrs. Simone... you got it all wrong." I called out.

"About what?" She replied.

"Your approach... if you wanna get close to a wolf... you have to beat it into submission." I said as I suddenly punched the Stygian Zynogre on the face sending it flying on a wall.

A sheep in wolf's clothing (Selen Tatsuki[Nijisanji EN] x OC) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя