Chapter 1- An old quarrel

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Oliver Compeyson was walking pretty quickly, wich, along with his dirty clothes, drove people to stare at him. He has always hated being given to much attention. Suddenly, he began to feel drops falling on him.
«Oh. I didn't expect this. » he whispered to himself.
Oliver started blaming himself for, in November, when the weather was often rainy, not carrying an umbrella. He quickly realised the situation was bad. The rain intensified, creating a very loud and unpleasant noise.
He looked around. There was an old tavern, named « the three cripples ».
Perfect, he thought. Maybe in there, he would meet people who knew his brother.
He pushed open the door with all his weight, keeping his hands in his coat to protect them from the cold outside, and was almost disappointed to see there was almost no one in there. Of course, considering it was only 2pm, he did not expect hundred of people, but still...
He took a quick look around him. The only people who were not asleep were an old lady, chatting with a old man who was behind the counter. Probably the owner, he thought. He searched for some rich-looking people, whom he did not found.
Giving up, he sat on one of the tables and asked the owner for a gin. The old lady then started talking to Oliver, introducing herself. Apparently, her name was Mrs Gamp and she adored alcohol, especially gin, since she made a monologue about it for about 20 minutes, too drunk to realise Oliver was not listening to her at all.
He only began listening when she broke the silence that has installed between them.
« -You know, there's an Havisham here !
-A Havisham ? He asked, with a confused tone.
-It's one of the richest family around here ! This one's pretty poor but, he's still probably richer than any of us.
-Excuse me, Mrs Gamp, but could you please tell me where that man is ? »
She told him and Oliver walked towards the gentleman. His brown messy curled hair, and dark red swollen eyes were telling Oliver that the man was probably drunk and didn't want to be approached, but that didn't stop him.
« -I don't have any money for you, the man named Havisham said, confident he wanted to take some shillings from him.
-Oh, sir, I'm not here to ask you for money !
-Really ? What do you want then ? He asked, annoyed.
-First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Compeyson. »
Oliver couldn't describe what he saw in this man's eyes. It was angriness and hate, mixed with fear and pain ? How could simply hearing a name could make him react this way ?
« -Oliver Compeyson, he continued. I believe your name is Havisham ?
-Y-yes. Arthur Havisham. What do you want ?
-I was wondering if you had met my brother, Meriwether Compeyson ? I can't find him anywhere and I've never been in this part of London.
-Yes, I know him. I know where you can find him. Just go to...wait a minute. »
He grabbed a paper and started writing an address. His hands were shaking, Oliver noticed.
« -Here. He must be there, said Arthur Havisham, handing the paper over.
-Thank you very much, sir. How can I repay you ?
-No need, he answered.
Oliver sensed no sympathy in this sentence, nor hatred. The man just wanted him to let him drink in peace, and that's what he did.


When Oliver finally arrived to the address, it was already 2:45 and, no matter how much he liked walking, he was tired.
Thankfully, Meriwether just got out of the building. He looked so surprised to see his brother that he almost fell.
« -What a surprise. You've grown a lot, Oliver. He said, trying to pat his shoulder.
Of course, Oliver pushed him away.
« -I don't want to argue with you today. I just wanted to tell you that he's dead.
-Who's dead ?
-Our little brother, Jack.
-I only saw him once, you did not travel half the country to say this to me, did you ? »
Oliver started to feel annoyed.
« -You really can't comprehend anything, right ? That means there will be a funeral. And they...they want you there, with us.
-I am very sad that you don't want me there too, Olly.
-Quit calling me that way. And I'm in no mood for your foolish jokes. You come for jack's funeral, or they will never talk to you again, Meriwether.
-Wait, how did you know I was there ? Meriwether questioned suddenly.
-A man told me. « Havisham », I think. »
He took his leave, after a last look at Meriwether. His expression was almost scary, full of rage.
Oliver got tired of his brother. He did not even see him for more than 5 minutes and he was already angry.
He looked around him and decided he'd stay a little longer in London.

Arthur Havisham x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now