It was, overall, quite a peaceful event, minus the fact that Harry sneezed every few minutes, sometimes dissolving into fits of sneezes that wouldn't stop for at least a minute. Everyone had commented on it at least twice except for Ron, who, I noticed, just bore a deeply disturbed expression. Hermione kept asking Harry if he'd developed an allergy to pollen.

Eventually, I was able to catch him alone, speeding up to match his pace before being able to slow down and stay beside him.

"Hey," he exclaimed with a cheerful expression. "How're you enjoying your birthday present?"

"The gardens are magnificent. And, might I add, quite magical. I wouldn't be shocked if there's a Wizarding population here that we don't know about."

"Well, Hermione says that Fiji has a strong British influence. They also follow many of the same religions as us, but more, er... ritualistically? She says that there's probably a Wizarding population that performs magic in the name of their religions, around here."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised at all Harry knew about the subject. I intertwined our hands, slowing down as we approached a small bridge on the walking path.

"Well, thank you, anyway. For the thoughtful gift, for the experience."

"Happy Birthday-" Harry paused, sneezing rather violently off to the side. Two strangers passing turned straight to us. I waved awkwardly.

"Sorry," he began as soon as he was back up, his nose slightly red. I moved to place a small peck on it.

"Don't apologize, it's okay."

"At least it's mundane and I'm not scaring the daylights out of you, I guess."

"Absolutely... Speaking of, that curse hasn't been giving you any extra trouble, right? I mean, nothing you've been hiding?"

Harry turned to me, and I nearly winced at my question, hoping the following wouldn't become explosive. Instead, Harry's features became downturned. He moved to rest his elbows over the edge of the bridge and look out. I did the same.

"Not really. Nothing you don't know about."

"I think there is something-"

"I think that just because I haven't told you, doesn't mean you don't know."

The two of us locked eyes, staying silent for more than a few seconds. Something in my chest squeezed as I pushed away my mind's extreme ideas.

"I think that you're wrong about that. There's still time to figure things out."

Harry sighed, working his jaw and looking back out. I stayed looking at him, studying his profile as he looked less at the scenery and more for something to say.

"I feel it, though."

"That's because the curse has weakened you, but..." that doesn't mean it's over.

"Harry, look at me." He did. I put my hand around his bicep, coming closer, my mind racing for what to say. You aren't allowed to give up hope. I don't think I have enough hope for the both of us. What do I tell the children, if you've given up? We have professionals and people who love you working tirelessly to save you. You need to help them by having some faith.

"I love you."

Harry swallowed, expression grim, and he came forward to wrap his arms around my waist, his chin fitting onto my shoulder. I hugged him back, dipping my head to rest on his shoulder.

"I love you too."

—Harry POV—

"-George Austin Woods, an ex-lieutenant of the Royal Navy, managed to influence Cakobau and organize a group of like-minded settlers and chiefs into forming a governing administration. Cakobau was declared the monarch, and the Kingdom of Fiji was established...."

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