Chapter 1: Mother's Tender Embrace

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"I'm tired of all this damn rain!" Grabbing his mug and downing it all in one go, a fierce-looking man grumbles about the weather as his wet armor drips down onto the floorboards below.

"Ahhh but Captain, the rain was a big help with our mission earlier. We wouldn't have had such an easy time getting the drop on those bandits otherwise. Wait a minute, are you upset because the rain got your THUNDERwear all wet, haha!"

Dying of laughter at his own terrible joke is a young man with a strong and sturdy build. He has slicked back greyish brown hair and pale green eyes that display his happy and cheerful personality.

Giving a sidelong glance at the red-faced newly appointed knight, the annoyed man just continues to drink after refilling his mug.

"Oh come on that was a good one. Anyway, you shouldn't let the weather get you down Captain. I know, why don't you go visit that young lady you've been so smitten with, that'll do you good for sure. It always helps me to see my wife again when I get home from battle. Why one time..."

As the young man begins to talk at length about the undying love he has for his recently wed bride, an older knight comes jogging up to the pair.

"Sorry to interrupt Captain, but the archbishop requests your immediate presence."

Annoyed yet also grateful for the interruption, the so-called captain empties his cup before letting out a sigh, "I only just got back and yet I'm already being summoned huh? Very well, let's see what it is this time. I've spent enough time here as it is."

Getting up while leaving some coins on his table, the captain makes his way to the door but then stops and turns his head, "Thanks for the company Alois, now why don't you get back to that lady of yours before you drink yourself under the table."

After saying his piece, the man walks off while his companion, Alois, pales as he remembers what happened the last time he came home late and drunk and quickly runs out the door towards his home.

Moon shining brightly in the star-spangled sky, it's a quiet night within the monastery walls. The two knights pass the occasional person scurrying about, but other than that no one was around, likely due to the rain.

Walking through the darkened streets, the pair soon approach the main hall. Entering through a side gate and quickly proceeding up some steps is the Captain of the Knights of Seiros.

He's an imposing man appearing to be in his early to mid thirties, standing fairly tall at a bit over six feet and possessing a large and well-defined build. Short unkempt wheat-colored hair graces the top of his head as well as along his jaw, forming a small but thick beard that's still glistening from the rain.

His slightly darker eyes that were usually brimming with strength and confidence are slightly more subdued as they display his current fatigue from the back-to-back missions he has been carrying out. A small scar runs across the side of his left cheek, however, it only enhances his rugged handsomeness that often left many women swooning wherever he goes.

Loud footsteps, as well as the clanking of armor, echoes throughout the silent building as they exit the stairwell and proceed to a large pair of double doors. The older knight that led him here opens the door for him which leads into a large and majestic room.

Elaborate tiling decorating the floor, beautifully sculpted statues lining the sides, several chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, as well as a grand stained-glass window just behind an elevated seat. This is a throne room of sorts and serves as the main chamber from which the archbishop meets with guests and goes about their duties.

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