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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Clark sprinted forward as he felt a full gust of wind hit him. He felt every single one of his muscle tense. Before he was used to the world moving around him slowly when he had super-speed but now, it was as if he was running at a snail's pace. In front of him, Tyla had her arms outstretched, holding him back. It was training, something that he didn't think he would have to do. But he needed to know the power's weaknesses before obtaining them. She suggested it as a benefit. Regardless of the kryptonite that weakened him, Clark needed to know the loopholes.

He glared, shooting a stream of heat at her feet. Tyla jumped back, breaking her concentration, and instantly allowed him to move again. She looked down and then her hands shot back, making her project. She jumped over Clark as he approached her and the man looked up towards the ceiling. She was nowhere to be found. He didn't even have time to note as she came back down behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and sighed.

The blue-haired woman smiled at him as a frustrated Clark turned around and sighed. "Not much you can do at that point," she reassured him.

"I'm just distracted," he excused himself, walking over to the other end of the gym to grab a bottle of water. "Lionel's at my house constantly, acting like he belongs there." They were in the far end of the manor and in a room that he was unaware was in the place to begin with. Tyla had mentioned that it was in another wing but it didn't stop him from wondering what other rooms were secreted away from his other visits. It was simply the two of them.  Ana was shopping, as usual. Lex was...elsewhere. 

Tyla made a face. It wasn't the first time that Clark told her about Lionel. The motive was what stumped her. "By what you've being telling me lately, it sounds like your mom kind of invited the wolf to come on in," she started to say. "Would it help if I told you I have something over his head in case we need to tip toe?"

It helped a little, but it wasn't enough. "The things he says to me, the look in his eyes.... he knows," he said.

She nodded. "And probably using your mom to get closer to you for proof."

"He's always there, helping her, offering advice. She's trusting him more and more." Clark paused, drinking from his water bottle. "She wouldn't if she knew the truth though." He studied Tyla as she walked over to him. "What do you have over his head?"

She paused. "Something I'm not really wanting to show," she started to say but stopped. It was too cryptic. "I don't want to put your mom through something that might worry her further. Cause..."

"My dad died," Clark finished for her. "But she has to know that he's up to something."

"Then it would sound better if you told her," Tyla said. "Because right now, we could be putting her at risk of a lot worse."


Upstairs, Lex was setting up a board of chess in the study. He placed the white pieces along their squares before proceeding to the black pieces. He looked up to see his father walk over with a surprised look along his face. "Chess," Lionel said. "You haven't played chess in years. Why the sudden interest in such a complex game?"

"Believe it or not, you're not the only one who knows the game," was all Lex replied with. The Nevin sisters were apparently well versed. Tyla more so and he wanted to test that out. Ana seemed to abandon the game in the morning in the thrall of a platinum card and Tyla's new grey Lexus.

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