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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Flashes of lights assaulted Tyla's face and she felt her fiancé's arms wrap around her. She knew that she had agreed to the photoshoot for Lex but this was more for the fact that he needed to show the masses that he was a family man...or at least well on his way to being one. But she couldn't shake the stink of ulterior motive throughout the whole ordeal. Even as she smiled, she could feel the fakeness that was creeping up on her. This wasn't her. "Just letting you know that we have to appeal casual with the engagement photos," she mumbled, feeling Lex tense up his already straightened and poised posture.

He looked over to her, blinking at the comment. He turned back to the photographers and motioned them to stop. "That's enough. Thanks, guys," he began to say. He felt Tyla slump against him in fatigue and fought back a mischievous smirk. "How about you grab a latte?"

"I'm only saying this because you look like you're thriving here."

'Do you have a problem with this?" He tried hard not to laugh at the tired look that she gave him. He led her over to the counter of the Talon and rested his arm on the cool tile.

"No...yes...I don't know," she stammered. "It's a little crass to do this where Martha Kent works."

"Well, for one, I own the Talon," he replied. "And last time I checked, you didn't want to have a hand in this campaign." She had told him many times when he asked her for her opinion. Although, his political mind was geared towards seeing what she would say because the father of her friend, not his, was running as Lex's competition. But she was remaining extraordinarily neutral, given her loyalty to him and her ties with the Kents.

Tyla sighed, loudly. "I don't like being put on display," she remarked.

"Wow..." Was she picking a fight with him in front of the photographers? No, she wasn't like that. It wasn't like the photographers to quickly snap a quick picture to make a quick buck to the competition either. Now that Lionel Luthor was helping Jonathan Kent run against his own son, it would become a bloodbath if Lex didn't play his cards right. "I would argue that engagement photos are the same thing." Just a different context.

"They're supposed to be happy. This feels....underhanded." Tyla extended her hand and waved it over towards the assistants packing up the tungsten lights that hung near them.

Lex nodded slowly and lowered his head. She wasn't accusing him but- "You think I'm marrying you because I need the family vote to become senator."

And Tyla was the closest to being someone to help him with his image and reputation. Her mother worked, and knew the Kents. As a Smallville local, the people had taken her in as one of their own. Although she worked for LuthorCorp, her reputation was still intact. Her soul was pure which made her a perfect person for a senator to attach a reputation to. "It's convenient" was all she could say. Being his girlfriend would not be enough in this rat race.

Convenience would be him telling her to handle the press. Convenience would be her crises management skills being put to use and spearhead him in the competition. But convenience was something that her father made sure it wasn't what Lex was after. All those months of being placed under Vigo's magnifying glass when he asked for her hand were the trials for her love. "I have nothing to hide." It was a political answer. Tyla knew it. She narrowed her eyes at him and started to walk away from him.

Walk Through The FireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora