Chapter 27: Man or Beast

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Muscles burned, blood dripped, and burns lay across my body. With my hand clenched around the holy blade, its pristine surface dripping with slick crimson blood that mimicked that which dripped from my head, my eyes met once again with my opponent. Damocles lay before me, slashes adorning his scaly hide, blood mixing in with his deep red scales as his massive wings beat. Though, unlike me, despite my heritage where I bled openly from a glancing blow across my forehead, Damocles still brimmed with power, the aura of destruction consuming my own in scope. Still gritting my teeth, I raised my sword arm and rocketed up into the sky, the massive lizard craning his neck as he spoke.

Damocles: Your plan is failing, little half-breed! What did you say you would do? Make me submit? I've humored your little game long enough. Even with that blade, you won't fell me.

F/N: Maybe, but that's not going to stop me from protecting what you want to destroy!

I yelled through labored breaths before diving down towards Damocles, the massive dragon once again opening his maw as a torrent of flames filled the sky. Throwing out my free hand, a purple seal manifested before me, shielding my body from the fire as I rocketed past the blistering heat before erupting out near the beast's head. Our eyes met for but a moment as I swung. Again, like every time before, the blade failed to sink deep into his scales, creating yet another shallow gash in his hide.

F/N: Son of a- what are you even made of!?

Damocles: It isn't my hide, but your poor blade work. I've felled warriors of light with similar weapons far beyond your skill!

He roared and snapped at me as I dodged, nearly avoiding the loss of a leg as his teeth tore through my pant leg. The motion let me dive under, avoiding a follow-up slash from his claws before slashing at his exposed belly, much to the effectiveness of the previous attack, before cursing under my breath.

F/N: How the hell do I beat you? I don't have time to seal; I can't wound him nearly enough. There has to be a way before my only weapon becomes a liability.

I thought, flying past his underbelly and down towards the war-torn meadow. My attention shifted to the charm thumping against my chest, its magical energy draining by the second; with each tic, the blade grew hotter in my hand. That moment of doubt shifted back above, towards the looming figure, obscured briefly by the clouds, let loose a beam of dark red magic, streaking across the grassland behind me, adding more flames to the sprawling fire that engulfed the area. But my saving grace spoke through the frantic beating of wings and the pain of pushing through the onslaught.

Nergigante: There is a way, but you keep rejecting it for this 'death by a thousand cuts'. Let loose and use it. You hinder your abilities still, even with your body racked to the bone.

It said as I growled and landed for a moment, the magical attack closing in as I pushed off the dirt, launching myself into the air once more, dust clouding up behind me only to be sliced in two by the beam sizzling out.

F/N: I'm aware, but as I said, we are not becoming what he fears. I can't risk that part of me gaining control.

Nergigante: And if we don't, we'll die. Your magical charm doesn't have long, you can either accept it or have instinct push you over the edge, and one is far more pretty than the other.

It said as I growled again, watching as another blast of magical energy was sent my way, at which my wings folded in, and I dove down under it. Then, with a burst of speed, I flew at my girlfriend's father. Heat swelled around my hand; light began to shine from the charm, and a massive claw came slashing down upon me. With a hard battle cry, I swung the blade with wild fury. Sparks flew where steel met keratin, a shrill shriek sounding off as the surfaces racked against each other, deflecting the blow away just as the charm burst like a newborn star.

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