Chapter 20: Orderly Choas

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The days after the date with Tohru have been some of my life's best, or at least they felt like it. Nothing could have made me happier, from the little shows of affection to spending hours together curled up on the couch. Even the inner demons of my Nergigante blood had been quieter than I expected. The voice only popped in from time to time, case and point, as I finished up a lovely meal with the girls in our apartment.

Kobayashi: Damn, that was good.

My sister said, a satisfied smile crossing her lips as she sat back. Tohru giggled as she picked up the plates and nodded.

Tohru: Thank you Ms. Kobayashi.

F/N: Yeah, though Tohru, your food always tastes fantastic.

I said, a soft burp erupting from my chest as she giggled more, leaning down and pecking my cheek.

Tohru: Aw, you flatter me F/N.

She said as she picked up the rest of the plates and other dishes. Settling back into my seat, the familiar feeling of a presence within my mind awoke.

Nergigante: This cutie, mushy stuff is growing irritating.

F/N: Really now? I'm quite enjoying it, thank you very much.

I thought while gazing at the 'instinct's' formed image in my mind, the dragon letting out a low growl as I gave off a smug feeling towards it.

F/N: She's growing on you, isn't she?

Nergigante: No, she is a source of power we can tap at any time. The fact you made her your mate only betters our chances of taking her down. Your connection is a means to our end.

F/N: Maybe, she does give us power, but not the kind you crave deep down. Well, I guess what 'we' crave deep down. You are a figment of my mind and all, less I have gone crazy and didn't realize. Either way, you'll come around eventually cause I'm not taking no for an answer.

I said to it as I watched Tohru begin to clean the dishes, the dragon humming softly as she worked. Warmth spread forth from my heart as I watched her, leaving the dragon-side within me to growl again, this time more annoyed.

Nergigante: Perhaps, your human side still makes you weak in ways, most of all in your senses. Something is coming.

F/N: Yeah, I can feel it. Hopefully, they use the front do-

I thought as the fight or flight instincts were going into overdrive as not a second later, an explosion rocked the apartment, sending debris and smoke showering over the residents. Sighing heavily, I looked over as it cleared. The flat lay in ruins; the couch toppled, windows shattered, and most of all...the gaming consoles scattered and dinged across the floor. Though, my eyes locked onto the one who was responsible as the female dragon rose to her feet.

This dragon in its human form had a long blue tail reminiscing of sea serpents of legend, which was partially covered by the violet and pink traditional-looking kimono which came up to around her mid pecs. The kimono wrapped most of what looked like a black sleeveless form-fitting grab, topped with a brown scarf around her neck. However, her most striking feature would have to be the single horn protruding from her forehead, parting her short raven hair that split into a hot purple at the ends. Her eyes, a deep-sea blue, lay only on Tohru as she rose, trident in hand.

Sea dragon: Tohru, I finally found you. You know the rules; dragons are not meant to live in this world, it upsets the balance!

She yelled out as my sister looked back towards my girlfriend with a similar unamused look that I held.

Kobayashi: Another one of your friends?

Tohru: No, more like a rival. Elma's always had a stick up her butt.

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