Chapter 25: Memories

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Another day, another train ride back to the apartment after a long day of work as I watched the skyscrapers go by with a therapeutic tone coming from the train. The mild bumping of the train's wheels against the tracks left me alone with my thoughts that fell back to Tohru's first 'normal' meal she had made for us, the same dish she had promised us tonight when we arrived. The mere memory of it left a soft smile across my lips before turning my head as a weight slowly pressed up against my side.

Raising my brow, any confusion was quickly dashed away as I saw my sister quietly snoozing against my shoulder. Gently shifting to the side, I ensured she was comfortable before looking back out the window again. Rolling by the countless skyscrapers once more, I started to wonder within my mind again. Thoughts of how things changed over just a year, Tohru, Kanna, and the others have done so much. My life had changed so much since that fateful day on the mountain. That night was still blurry at the beginning and ends, but what had happened in the middle would always stick with me.

In the beginning, it had all started after a long day of work, most of it being yelled at by the floor boss at the time. Then the drinks must have flowed beyond the usual as I was as wasted as my sister. After that, a missed train stop culminated in a trek up the mountains with a very noisy sibling.

Kobayashi: Bears in the area? Bring it on! I'll fight them all!

F/N: Yeah, one punch, and I'll....I'll...I'll take em out in one punch.

The two of us said through hicks while stumbling through the trail; no cares in the world held us down as we walked before falling back as we bumped into something. Letting out a soft oof, I looked up at...a dragon? Rubbing my eyes, I got back to my feet with my sister, who, all the while, hicked and pointed to the sizeable scaly lizard.

Kobayashi: Huh? Who put a dragon here?

F/N: Eh, it must be a dream because there are no dragons in this work; that be silly!

I uttered, swaying back and forth with a bottle of...something alcoholic in my hand while I stared at the beast. Its large gleaming yellow eyes stared back at us, its massive maw opening, showing off the rows of kitchen knife-sized teeth as it spoke.

Dragon: Oh, what holes did you humans crawl out of to be before me?

The dragon growled as I shared a glance with my sibling before looking back at the dragon; any sense of self-preservation lost long ago to what I held in hand, as a giggle fell off my lips before I spoke.

F/N: Hehe, silly dragon, humans live in homes, not holes.

Kobayashi: Yeah! Have some manners, your rude.

She huffed, giving the dragon before us a slight glare. The beast, in return, growled more as it spread its wings, revealing a very shiny looking object stuck in its back that I instantly focused on as it spoke.

Dragon: Leave me be, or I shall eat you...but alas...I will die soon. Heh, to think the last people I meet are a pair of pathetic humans.

Kobayashi: Wow, do you ever get bored of hearing yourself talk? Or is that like your thing?

Dragon: What?! How dare you!

She growled, smoke slowly rising from the corners of her mouth before I walked around, my eyes tracking the shiny thing stuck in the dragon's back.

F/N: Hey, you want me to pull that out?

Dragon: What? You will die if- hey!

They called out as I didn't wait and was already climbing up their leg and towards the sword. This action was a sudden distress to the dragon as its voice became more chaotic as it spoke.

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