Chapter 15: Rainy Day

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It was an understatement to say that it was raining, it was pouring, and the old man was snoring. For waking up to the soft pattering against my window till the still low drum of water against the living room windows, the sun had not made its appearance all day. The world outside lay cast in hazy grey, something that the two dragons of the household had taken an interest in. Both Kanna and Tohru stayed by the window, watching the outside world from the warmth of our home.

Tohru: No wonder they call it the rainy season.

She muttered before looking back at my sister and I as we finished crafting a little family tradition and rose from the couch, making our way over beside her. Tohru seemed somewhat perplexed as we started to hang up the small white ghost-like dolls with the features relating to each apartment member.

Tohru: What are those?

F/N: Terra terra bozu.

Kanna: Terra terra bozu?

The small child repeated as we hung them near the glass door that led to our small balcony, Kanna's eyes not leaving them even as we returned to the couch with Tohru in tow.

Tohru: Will something so simple really make the rain stop?

Kobayashi: Eventually, it's an old family tradition our parents did when we were little.

F/N: Yeah, plus I think Takiya does it too.

I said, smiling softly as Tohru huffs. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the cushions before a thought struck me.

F/N: You know, I haven't heard him mention Fafnir. Wonder if everything's going alright between him and the old man, given he hasn't been over here in like, a week.

Tohru: Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him lately either.

She said while cleaning a few of the dishes from dinner, though we all perked up when Kanna came trotting back over to the couch.

Kanna: I saw Mr. Fafnir on my way home from school. He was jumping in circles and muttering things in the park.

F/N: Ah, so he has gone crazy-hey!"

I said before being flicked by some water, the dragon growing a slight smirk as she spoke.

Tohru: Aside from that comment, I hope he isn't doing anything that will get him in trouble.

Kobayashi: As long as he doesn't bother people, he should be ok.

She said while also relaxing back into the couch as the soft sound of rain drummed on in the background. All and all, it was lovely until I felt a pang of hunger strike me in my core, growling softy, I peeked down the neck of my shirt as a soft purple glow emanated off my chest. The others looked over with concern as I let out a heavy sigh and got up. As the hunger grew, the soft hum of holy energy came from my room. The fact of which drew Tohru's attention towards it with a frown.

Kobayashi: Everything ok?

She asked as I gave a nod while walking towards my room.

F/N: Yup, I just have to do a little magic, be out in a sec.

I said, fainting a smile despite the feeling in my gut. Before long, though, I was in the dimly lit room, the only light coming from the cloudy sky through my window. As I walked over to the blade resting in its scabbard harness on the wall, the voice of dread began to ring in my head once more.

Nergigante: You know what you do each time you keep this lock on me? You weaken yourself.

I growled, the voice only a whisper in my mind, but with each step, the seals grew brighter, and the presence's of both forces crafted a strange miasma that was near chocking within the small confines.

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