iii. Fix

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Sarai pouted at the door for long, long enough for her body to start trembling because it was now night and cold and she was in a dress and had been rained on and then ran through a forest and perhaps her body had been through enough for one day. 

With a sigh, and now sure he wasn't about to storm back in, she touched her hair and turned for the closet, her silk-press long gone. 

Of course it was a walk-in, a his and hers, with clothes on either side. Women's clothes on the hers side.

With a small huff she turned to the men's side and picked something out, deciding on a shower before bed. She didn't have time to think the thoughts knocking against her head, about how she didn't know anything about this property or who this room was for or why he didn't even bother to pretend about any of it. 

Women's clothes! Blatantly on display, for her to see!

For all Sarai knew he probably had wives in every corner of the country! She threw the jumper and shorts she'd picked out onto the bed and walked into the luxurious bathroom suite, washing away all she could of tonight, the rain, the desire, the horror, the hope, the kiss, the running, the anger, the longing. She scrubbed and brushed and plucked and patted and wrung and moisturized and oiled and steamed and rubbed and twisted until she felt presentable again, human again. Like someone who hadn't tried to negotiate with a Djinn to get away from a whatever-her-husband-was. Like someone who wasn't about to google man-eating cherry trees and how fast can flying carpets go once she got under the covers. 

She was in the sweatshirt and shorts, trying to find the right texture socks to slip into when she was hit with the wave of self-preservation that should've stopped her from running into the forest. She'd seen the man shove a (dead?) body into a cannibalistic tree and not even half an hour later she'd tried to hide in trees away from him

That was dumb, even for her! 

She slid under the covers and remembered that she didn't have her phone, that everything she truly owned was miles away from here in her apartment and she wasn't going back there anytime soon. All she had now was the theater of her twisted stupid mind. She closed her eyes, fighting each and every thought of him as it came to her, each and every memory and sensation and desire and longing, each unfulfilled urge and desperate wish until she was so tired of fighting she finally fell asleep. 

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It was still quite early in the day, seven in the morning when Sarai rolled out of bed and found out that she wasn't locked in the bedroom. She slid the door open as quietly as she could and peeped into the quiet house before her gaze fell back on the closet. She'd never actually slept in the same house as her husband so she didn't know if he was a morning person or one of those night creatures who couldn't be out in daylight. 

She walked to the closet, mentally tallying the number of times they'd met and what time of day it had been, smiling softly when she realized it was mostly evenings and nights, though their first meeting had been late morning and so had their wedding... 

With one glance at the men's shoes, Sarai bit her lip and turned towards the HER'S side of the closet, unwilling to try out her plan in the stiletto heels from last night again. Luckily the first pair of sports shoes she pulled were just her size and she happily slipped them on. Then she opened the door wider, as quietly as she could and squeezed her way out of the room. The house was so big, so quiet as she made her way down the stairs that she started to wonder if she actually had slept under the same roof as Jax Woo, and then she started to worry about his confidence in leaving her here by herself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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