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"As all of you know, starting from the upcoming week, Alphas from all over North America will start turning up for a visit. You guys have been working hard on making sure they would all be welcomed to the best of conditions, and I thank you for it."

The whole hall clapped, cheering their Alpha on.

"Now, if you're around my age or older, you might remember when my dad—rest his soul—gave his post over to me. On December 10th, I will pass my Alpha duty on to my oldest son, Theodore."

Another erupt of cheers sounded, though the guy standing next to Nova started booing loudly. The girl giggled under her breath, hitting Tyler's side, at which her brother smacked her head before cupping his hands around his mouth to boo louder. Both Theo and their mom rolled their eyes at him while some people around the hall sniggered.

"I've called all of you here today to give you the exact details of the ceremonies and activities during the next few weeks. As I already said, next Monday, Alphas will start arriving. They will continue to do so for the two following weeks, and by the end of November, all of them should be here.

"I highly recommend getting along with them—we don't need an opposing pack so close to us. As the Alphas, their elders, and future Alphas arrive, I will introduce them to you every evening during dinner. It is compulsory that you treat them well."

Their mom stared at Tyler during the last sentence, the guy smirking right back at her. When Morgan's eyes found Nova's face, he seemed to grow a bit more amused, noticing the way the girl was biting back her laughter. She almost couldn't contain herself but made sure not to glance in Tyler's direction.

Their mom moved on, going over all the different ceremonies that would take place, and stating the days when different parties and reunions would be held. By the time she finished, Nova was leaning against Tyler, who, surprisingly, had only made a face at that, but hadn't said anything. Everything had been a bit gentler with her from the day her mother found out about her nightmares, and that included her youngest brother.

"Alright. Meeting's over. The first ones estimated to arrive are Alpha Mason from the Windclaw pack, with his son, Jeremy. Our future Gamma is going to be on her post and make sure to notify us of all arrivals."

Eva, who was holding Tyler's hand, nodded curtly, and when they were dismissed, immediately dragged her mate out of the room. Nova looked after them, her eyes amused as she buried her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. He was gonna either get some nice sex or a scolding from his girlfriend for joking around during the alpha's speech. Maybe both, but she didn't want to think about that, or other gross details would probably reveal themselves.


"As all of you know, starting from the upcoming week, Alphas from all over North America will start turning up for a visit. You guys have been working hard on making sure they would all be welcomed to the best of conditions, and I thank you for it."

The whole hall clapped, cheering their Alpha on.

"Now, if you're around my age or older, you might remember when my dad—rest his soul—gave his post over to me. On December 10th, I will pass my Alpha duty on to my oldest son, Theodore."

Another erupt of cheers sounded, though the guy standing next to Nova started booing loudly. The girl giggled under her breath, hitting Tyler's side, at which her brother smacked her head before cupping his hands around his mouth to boo louder. Both Theo and their mom rolled their eyes at him while some people around the hall sniggered.

"I've called all of you here today to give you the exact details of the ceremonies and activities during the next few weeks. As I already said, next Monday, Alphas will start arriving. They will continue to do so for the two following weeks, and by the end of November, all of them should be here.

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