Stepping out of the elevator, Dad retrieved the key for his chosen vehicle, deftly unlocking it. Amongst his collection of black cars, a Mercedes gleamed, its headlights illuminating the surroundings like radiant fireworks. The brilliant beams sliced through the darkness, casting a captivating luminosity that mesmerized the surroundings. Accompanied by a sonorous sound that served as a gentle reminder of its presence.

"This is a 2021 Mercedes-Maybach S-Class," he declared, graciously holding the door open for me to enter. I murmured my thanks and slipped inside with grace. The car's interior emanated a sense of luxury, bathed in a soft, ambient glow. Every careful detail had been meticulously crafted, immersing in a world of unrivalled elegance and comfort.

As I settled into the plush, leather-stitched seats, my father circled around to the front, opening his door. Excitement danced in his eyes as he looked at me and asked, "Are you ready for this?" Anticipation brimmed in his voice, infusing me with a surge of excitement. With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life, its powerful vibrations resonating throughout the expansive garage. The soft yellow glow within the car gradually dimmed, replaced by a pervasive darkness punctuated by illuminating screens and dashboard.

"What do you think? Isn't it a magnificent sound?" he inquired, gently pressing the accelerator. The car glided forward gracefully, beginning its journey, as we headed toward the slowly opening gate. Ascending a steep incline, we gradually departed the sanctuary of the harem house through the gateway provided by the garage.


We arrived at the restaurant precisely five minutes before our reservation. As we pulled up, a waiter approached our car with effortless grace, swiftly opening my door to allow me to exit. Expressing gratitude to the teenage-looking waiter making a visible blush tinge his cheeks. He averted his gaze and shyly replied, "You're welcome." Meanwhile, my father handed him the car key, entrusting him with the task of parking it. Carefully slipping a hundred-dollar note into the young waiter's pocket, my dad flashed a warm smile. The boy's eyes lit up with excitement and gratitude, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to drive the sleek Mercedes.

The restaurant stood before us, resembling a majestic Greek castle. Its towering height showcased its popularity among customers, while exquisitely crafted windows captivated onlookers. Ascending the sand-coloured brick stairs, each step substantial in size, a total of fifty in number. Girls and their friends populated the steps, engrossed in taking pictures, while little boys raced around, eliciting concerned warnings from their parents. Amidst this lively scene, couples stole kisses, as we headed toward the awe-inspiring entrance of the restaurant. The door itself resembled a massive, round medieval gate, evoking a profound sense of grandeur.

Our presence did not go unnoticed, as a waitress sprinted toward us the moment she spotted our arrival. Sporting the most radiant smile, tinged with a hungry look for money, she addressed my father, "Mr. Aldo," and then glanced at me, giving my entire body a swift look. "And Miss Clarisa, right?" My father affectionately patted my shoulder and responded, "That's right. She's my daughter. Please, Emily, lead us to my usual spot." A flicker of hesitation briefly crossed Emily's face, interrupting whatever she had intended to say. Confusion mixed with a hint of anger etched itself onto my father's expression, suspecting that someone had dared to occupy his customary seat. His voice laced with wrath, he inquired, "Is there a problem?"

Emily, the waitress, appeared terrified by the question, yet managed to swiftly compose herself and articulate a well-crafted response. "No, sir, there is no problem. I'm simply having a difficult day today. Please forgive me and allow me to escort you to your table." With her back facing us, she gestured for us to follow her, initiating our journey toward our seats. As we moved in the right direction, my father's initial worry gradually faded away, and he offered reassuring words to Emily. "We're all human, and it's perfectly normal to have a bad day once in a while."

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