"We can stay in here. I don't mind." Chan wasn't going to oppose as he thought it was a good idea.

They just talked about whatever came to mind, getting to know even more little details about each other. They laughed and smiled with light music in the background.

"AH! BUG!" Hyunjin began scrambling in his seat and waving his hands in the air like a mad man.

Chan chuckled at this then reaching out and capturing the flying bug in his grasp.

"It's just a fly." Chan loved the dramatic side of Hyunjin.

"Doesn't matter!" Hyunjin still scrambling in his seat.

Chan rolled down the window and let the fly free, rolling the window back up and noticing Hyunjin's disgusted expression.

"Keep that hand off of me after touching that bug." Hyunjin gagged in his mouth.

"You mean this hand?" Chan giggled and reached out for Hyunjin with that very hand.

Hyunjin yelled trying to get away from him by climbing back to the backseats, falling in the process.

"You know you could've just open the door and leave?" Chan in a dying fit of laughter points out.


"What if Soyeon sees me?" Hyunjin died down from his dramatic self.

And Chan's laugh dying out once she was mentioned.

"Damn it." Chan cursed under his breath. "I'll make sure she doesn't see you, maybe next time we should stay at your apartment for better reassurance." He tried to keep a brave face on, in reality how terrified he was of her power.

"You know everything you told me about her is just plain evil. She doesn't deserve such an amazing guy like you. You deserve to be with someone better hyung." Hyunjin has never met this Soyeon but all he knows he despises her.

"Someone like you." Chan met Hyunjin's gaze in a serious tone.

The aura shifting once the two didn't say a word to each other, gazes beaming a strong desire for one another. Breathing becoming more heaving and stealing glances of each other's lips.

"Anyone but her. But I would treat you to what you deserve, and you deserve the world Chan. I would be a better significant other than her. I would treat you with care and love, something she doesn't give you. I would—." Hyunjin was then cut off.

"I know . . . which is why all I want is to be your boyfriend, my beautiful prince." Chan leaned in and pressed his lips against his soft lips.

Hyunjin easily sucked into the heavenly kiss he craved, placing both of his hands on the sides of Chan's head.

Both deepening the passionate lustful kiss of want.

To get a better angle Hyunjin climbs back up to the front and sits on Chan's lap but in the process he accidentally bumps the horn with his ass, making him jump.

Chan chuckled once again before pulling Hyunjin back into where they left off in the kiss they shared.

To get even more room Chan pulls a lever to push  his seat all the way back it could and pulls another to lean the seat down.

Gone Away || MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang