Chapter 1 - just a silly crush

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I have been in love with Georgino for over 4 years. At first it was a silly crush every 14-year-old gay boy has once in his life. But after 4 years had passed, my crush had developed in something more serious and way more annoying to deal with. Whenever he entered a room, I would stare at him and not take my eyes off of him for even a second. It was very much possible that I would declare my undying love for him on the spot if he looked at me with his deep brown eyes for longer than 2 minutes.

Marco and Mario, my two best friends, didn't have a problem with me being gay and my crush on our future boss. Thanks to it they had enough material to blackmail and make fun of me for the rest of our lives, and I'm only 18 years old. Georgino was just perfect for me, but he didn't love me back.

I focused on the video game again. Mario and Marco were beating my ass. "Hey, Matteo?" I hummed and ignored their shoves and kicks into my direction. No wonder I was losing. "Do you remember last night's party?" "Yeah." "There was this guy and he asked us for your number." I let my superhero die and turned towards them. "What?" "His name is Jackson and he is really nice! You would look really cute together." Mario gushed and winked at me. "I'm not interested." Marco scoffed and stopped playing. "Why? Because of Georgino? It's time you move on from your stupid crush and stop being pathetic." That stung. Mario shoved Marco and gave me an apologetic look. "Fuck you. You don't know what you are talking about." I left the den and took the stairs to the second floor.

The problem with the main house was that you couldn't get one minute of peace. The guys working closely with the underboss and the boss were all accommodated in here. I wanted to spend my afternoon eating cookies and maybe smoke a joint, but instead I had to go to Georgino and tell him about the latest incident of my squad. I oversaw a group distributing weed. Some of them were robbed the last few days. I usually was happy to be able to see him but not today and not after what Marco said. I knew he was right, which made it even more annoying. I was supposed to be the smart one in our group. Marco was the meathead and Mario the nice one. I knocked on Georgino's door and waited to hear his deep voice. I took a deep breath before I entered and smiled. "Hey, you wanted to see me." He wore a three-day beard and a button shirt. He would look good even in a trash bag. His eyebrows raised and I realized that I hadn't listened to one word he just said. "What?" I asked dumbly and he chuckled. "Take a seat and tell me more about the latest incidents." I started talking and was glad that I didn't stutter for once. After a while Georgino interrupted me. "You seem distracted." 'Don't I always?' I thought and chuckled at my own joke. Georgino made an inviting gesture. "Just Marco and Mario annoying me." "What did they do?" I knew I had to move on from my fantasy. I knew it for a long time and until today nobody had called me out on it. They let me pretend and so did I. He wasn't in love with me and whatever his answer would be, it would help me to start ending my crush. The thought stung but what was the alternative? "They want to set me up with this guy and... and I'm not sure if I should let them." My heart stopped beating when he tensed and finally said: "You should do it." "Oh?" "Yeah, I mean you never had a boyfriend before. Seems... like a really good idea." His encouraging smile seemed forced. "Great." I said and stared at the desk for the rest of our talk. He thought it was a good idea. He wanted me to have a boyfriend. Someone that wasn't him. My eyes were burning and as soon as he dismissed me, I was running out of there.

Marco and Mario were laying in Marco's bed. "Give him my number." Mario looked up from painting his nails with black edding. "Are you sure?" "Yes." I didn't go into more details and they both got the message. Marco and I didn't talk for the rest of the night, but he let me win his favourite video game, so we were cool again. Jackson wrote me the next morning. He seemed nice and after a few texts, he invited me to diner the same day.

Marco tried to get me into his leather jacket and Mario tried to get me into a jeans jacket. The three of us were quarrelling in the entrance way and attracted quite a lot of attention. I ignored Georgino's eyes on us when he came back with some capo's following him. "It looks like our little Matteo has a date?" Santino, one of the newer capos laughed. "I really hope it isn't one of those two idiots." Marco and Mario protested, and they finally let go off me and the jackets they were pushing in my face. I decided to wear the leather jacket. I needed to feel confident tonight. I couldn't help but shoot a quick glance to Georgino who had stopped as well. I blushed when I realized that he was already looking at me. Marco threw an arm around me and gave me a gentle nudge. "You are going to have a great time." Marco and Mario were acting like overexcited parents on their child's first date. "Yeah, yeah. Can one of you give me a ride now?" My own car was in a repair shop because someone had slit open three of my tires. Jerks, my insurance only covers 4. "I can do it." Georgino interrupted and the whole room turned to look at him in surprise. He didn't seem bothered by it. "Come on, we don't want you to be late." "Georgino, I can drive Matteo." Marco shot me a worried glance. Georgino driving me to the date would kind of ruin the whole purpose of it. "No, I'll do it. Matteo, let's go." He shook his car keys, and nobody dared to object a second time. Georgino had parked his car at the very end of the parking. We walked in an awkward silence. He opened the door for me and I tried not to read into everything he did for me. When we were out of the compound, he addressed me again. "Where is this date?" "It's this new restaurant next to the train station." "I know it." He gripped the wheel tighter and the whiter his knuckles became the tenser the air became. "Were you there before?" "No." "Cool, I hope it's not too expensive." I tried to do some small talk, but he only gave one syllable answers, so I gave up. "You have to take the left turn." I said but Georgino ignored me. He sped up and took the right turn. "Is this way quicker?" "No." "I don't want to be late." "No." "No, what?" I was becoming fed up with him. He may be the love of my life, but he could be very infuriating sometimes. "You aren't going to be late because you aren't going." I shot him a confused look. "Stop messing around." "No." I let out a frustrated noise. "Fine, I'll just call Mario and he can drive me there." Before I could dial his number, he grabbed my phone and tossed it out the car window. "Georgino!" He sped up and turning the volume of the radio higher, a tight smile grazing his lips.

We drove out of the city and stopped in front of a cabin. "Get out." Because I decided to get over him and what he did was rude, I stayed put. Georgino opened my door and groaned. "You aren't going to make a scene because of this?" "That would require an audience." He snickered and leaned into the car. His chest hoovering over mine. "Jackson is probably still waiting." His smile fell and he dragged me out of the car. "You don't even know this guy." By now he had pushed me into the cabin and was turning on the lights. "That's what dates are for." And to get over you. I gave the living room and kitchen a quick once over before turning back to him. He was leaning against the wall next to the light switch. He wore a dark look, and it made me twitch inside my pants. Damn, me and my hormones. "I wanted to be okay with this... but I'm not. Fuck, I'm so not." My eyes widened when he pushed off the wall and came over to me. Georgino put his hands on my cheeks and my stomach did a few backflips. His lips met mine and it felt so much better than I ever imagined. He slowly moved his lips against mine and caressed my cheek. I gasped when his tongue pushed past my lips and rubbed against my own. Standing became difficult but I wouldn't stop this for anything. We parted to snap for air. My skin felt like it was on fire. "Georgino." I whispered and he kissed me again, this time more demanding. Before I could fall on the ground, he swept me up in his arms and I clasped my legs around his back. He walked towards the bedroom, not once letting go of my lips. We fell on the bed, him on top of me. Everything was in a haze and so slow at the same time. I burrowed a hand in his hair. "Take off your jacket." He mumbled and helped me get out of it. He tossed it somewhere behind him. He was towering over me, his hair already a mess and I didn't want to know how I looked. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do this." I let my hand wander under his shirt and felt his trained stomach. "Not as long as me." I replied and the look we shared made me chuckle. It was a mix between excitement and nervousness. I rose and kissed along his jaw. He leaned his head to the right to give me better access. I got rid of his shirt and lightly nipped his collarbone. My hands brushing over his chest. He had so many tattoos. I wanted to kiss every one of them. "Don't stop kissing me." He murmured and I obliged gladly.

The sun wasn't even up yet, but I was wide awake. Georgino's leg was thrown over mine. His chin resting on the top of my head. I dreaded him waking up. I didn't know what to do or say. We had slept together. I wanted to be over the moon, but my worries were overpowering. "Your heart is beating really fast." I startled and he chuckled, pressing his lips on my neck. "I'm just worried." "About what?" I didn't answer but turned around to face him. "What does this night mean?" "Why does it have to mean everything?" He said suddenly cold and distant. Yeah, that's why I'm worried.

The drive back in the afternoon was quiet. We hadn't talked about last night. I tried but he had shot me a look that made me too insecure to even utter another word. I didn't know if he thought it was a mistake or just a spur in the moment thing. Damn it, I wanted to get over him and now it is even more difficult. Last night I had at least a shred of determination. Georgino parked a few streets away from the house and turned towards me. He gripped my chin in his hand as he pressed his lips against mine, pushing his tongue in between my lips. "I'll see you later." I mumbled after we let go off each other. "Matteo." Half my body was already out of the car, but I turned back anyway. He seemed to want to say something, but just sighed. I gave him a weak smile in return.

mafia kingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora